Chapter 2

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7:23 A.M. Monday, February 10th, 2019

      After everyone was done with their pancakes and joking around, we all got up from the table. I grabbed everyone's plates and forks and put them all in the dishwasher.

"Thanks for the amazing pancakes once again, Vanessa," Eva said while walking to the door.

"Don't worry about thanking me," said my mom, waving it off, "You all know you're welcome to have them any time."

"Well thanks anyways. C'ya later."

"Okay. I'll see you four later. Have fun if you can," my mom said, standing at the door to close it when they left.

"See you in a few," I said to them before my mom closed the door.

Once she was closing the door I left to my room to grab my backpack and anything else I need for school.

If you were wondering what I was wearing, I'm wearing a shoulderless long-sleaved shirt that has a hole for your thumbs on each hand. It has a decent sized, very artsy pentagram on it more towards the top. I have mid-thigh length jean-shorts on with black leggings underneath. Lastly, I just have a simple pair of laced, leather boots with a tiny heel and reach and inch above my ankles.

When I get to my room I grab my backpack that I already packed the night before, my phone, earbuds, and my water bottle that I have to fill before I leave.

    Once I grab my things I turn off my bedroom light, go into the kitchen, and fill up my water bottle. Once I do, I put it in my side pocket of my backpack and start heading to the door.

    When I opened the door my mom called to me, "Try to have a nice day. Please?"

    I let out a small sigh and say, "I'll try. Love you," Then leave and close the door behind me.

   When I get downstairs to go out to the front of the apartment building and check my phone for the time. 7:25. The others weren't out there yet and it takes about four minutes to get to school. I decided I'd walk to school without them again since I didn't want to be late.

Ash: I'm just gonna head on without you guys

Ash: Don't wait up

After I text them that, I plug my ear buds into my phone and put them in my ears. I start to walk slowly and open up Pandora and let the first song that plays stay on. I didn't really care about what I was listening to, as long as it gave me some background sounds. The song that came on was Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez.

     I hold my phone next to my thigh and start walking my normal pace to school. It's only about a block or two away so it's not a long walk.

     I was about to cross the street to the sidewalk for the school, when I feel someone jump on my back and take out my earbuds.

     "Why the hell didn't you wait for us?" asked Eva. Of course she was the one on my back.

     I sigh, dropping her, and answer, "Because I didn't feel like being late today because you people don't know how to move fast."

    "Well if that's how you wanna be. Why do you always have to try to not get in trubble?"

    "Because it means less bull for my mom to deal with. I don't wanna get in her way because I was late to school, unexcused a few times or because I was skipping some classes. She works hard enough as it is."

    "Well, I didn't expect something like that from you of all people. Ok then."

    Just as she finishes saying that, Xander runs up to us and we're finally able to cross the street.

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