The Nightmare and A Late Night Snack.

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You were having that dream again.  

Years ago, just days after you turned 13, you tried to take your own life.  Why? Let’s just say that the kids bullying you at the time went a little too far one day.  Later that night, you grabbed a bottle of some kind of expired medication and downed the whole thing.  You almost immediately passed out. And while you were passed out, you had a dream… 

At first, you were just standing in a void.  Your skin crawled in anxious confusion, but you kept yourself composed.  Wherever you were, it was very cold. Your pyjama bottoms and oversized t-shirt didn’t protect you from the sudden harsh chill in the air.   


Your call echoed in the void.  You didn’t hear a response. Instead, you heard the sound of something rolling on the floor.  In the distance, you saw something rolling towards you. It was a small object, so you couldn’t really make out what it was just yet.  The mystery object rolled closer and closer until it hit your bare foot.


    A small piece of chalk.

    What was chalk doing in a void?  

    Out of curiosity, you picked it up, carefully.  You brought it to your eyes, inspecting if there was anything suspicious about it.  

    Nope.  Just a normal piece of chalk.  How odd.  

    “What am I supposed to do with this?”

    “Draw a door~”  a disembodied voice answered back.  

    Draw a door?  On what? There was nothing around you.

    You started to walk forward to look for something to draw a door on.  But, two steps in, you slammed against an invisible force in front of you, knocking you on your butt.

    What the hell?

    You propped yourself up on your knees, reaching out in front of you once more.  Sure enough, you touched the invisible force again. What was this? You knocked on the surface.  The sound echoed, just as your voice did. You assumed this was the surface to draw a door on.  

    You drew a simple door.  The white lines were very uneven, but hey, it’s not like you ever painted the fucking Mona Lisa.

    You stared at the door you made, waiting for something, anything to happen.  But nothing did. What now? Out of boredom, you knocked on the little fake door you made three times.  

As soon as you did, a green light began to glow around the white lines of the door.  The light frightened you slightly. It slowly creaked open. The toxic green light nearly blinded you, but something about it enticed you.  Entranced you in a way. The light filled your eyes. Your feet began to move on their own, guiding you further and further into the light until it completely engulfed you.

You rubbed your eyes, trying to get them to adjust back to normal.  Once you opened your eyes, they widened in shock and fear.

It seemed to be a normal room at first, like a waiting room at a doctors office.  But the people in there. No, they were not people. They were MONSTERS! These beings were terrifying, deformed, horrendous!  There was a horse jockey who looked like their hace was kicked in by their own horse. A woman with ghostly pale skin in a bath towel and holding a toaster.  She had mascara running down her face and her hair was standing on end. She twitched in her seat. A man in a tuxedo with an axe cleaved into his skull. SOMEONE WITH A SHRUNKEN HEAD!!  

You screamed at the top of your lungs, backing up into the wall.  The monsters snapped their attention to you.

You whipped around, banging your fists on the wall you had drawn the door upon.  

Nasty Bug Man (Beetlejuice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now