Chapter 1

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Hey everyone I rewrote this story! This is my first story/ fanfic. It took lots of time, thinking, and editing. Sorry if there are typos. I switched back and forth with my phone and laptop so things were a bit hectic! Please vote if you can and i hope you enjoy the chapter!!

       The long summer before college is almost over. It feels like it's only been a few days since my graduation. I recently moved close to my college with my friend Jennifer (Jen for short) to start fresh. We both got into Boston University with a major in English. I selected law for my minor and Jen selected art.

      Here are a few things to get to know me: I am currently 21 years old.I have a small cat named Lily she's a 1-week old tabby. I love to read and sometimes even write.

   My family consists of my sisters and my cat. I had a boyfriend but we broke up a month ago. I have 2 twin older sisters Christina and Georgia. They also graduated from Boston University with Law. They both work at a good firm, Georgia has 2 children with her husband Peter, and Christina has a boyfriend, Igor. My parents were gone before I turned twelve. They both died in a gas leak accident when they were on a vacation.

   Jen also has 2 older brothers. She is bi and also 21. Her family is well off and her parents are in California. Her brothers Pete, (yes my sister's husband) and David are both married and they live in New York and Chicago.

    Anyways, our classes start on September 9th. Jen and I are both very excited to meet our new professors. Prof. Evans, who graduated with a bachelor's degree in English, Prof. Stan graduated with a master's in law, and Professor Johansson with a bachelor's in art.

We have English in the morning with Prof. Evans and then afternoon classes with whichever teachers/ professors we have. We basically spent the rest of our summer reading, writing, going out to party, and going to the gym.


"Hey, Jen. You nervous for tomorrow?" I ask while we brush our teeth

"Not really. Are you?"

"Kinda." You reply.

"It's okay I'll be there."

"Thank you. You're the best."

I fell asleep thinking about how my first day of college would be. I hope there are some hot guys.


  It's 6:30 am and have about an hour and half till school starts. I set my alarm pretty early to get dressed and ready. I'm a morning person so I can get up early at some unholy hours.

I finish showering, makeup, and getting dressed and it's 7:10. Time to wake Jen.

"Jen wake up."  She slightly groans and turns. I slap her with a pillow and she grumpily slides out of bed.

"I'm going to go get coffee. What do you want?"

"I don't know get me an iced coffee or something. Thanks." She hops in the shower as i grab my car keys and go to starbucks.

I go in the store and pick up two iced coffees and I spill my drink onto this really handsome and hot guy. I think he's about 5 years or so older.

"Ah! That's pretty cold. Hey you good?" He waves. Shit I think I was staring..

"OMG IM SO SORRY!!" I spit out.

"No worries! I have an extra shirt in the car." He chuckles. Gosh he's so hot.

"Ah im such a klutz. Here give me your shirt i'll get it all clean and give it back."

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