4. Joker

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Chapter 4Joker|G O T H A M |

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Chapter 4
|G O T H A M |

|2 Y E A R S A G O|

Rose turned the key into the lock opening the apartment door, holding a brown paper bag full of fruit in her left arm, making her way into the small apartment and closing the door behind her, she slipped off her black vans, giving them a kick to the side of her entrance.

Walking further into the apartment, about to make her way past the living room, she stopped dead in her tracks. The girl turned and began to stare at the strange man who stood in her living room, his back to her. He stood looking out the windows at the city of Gotham, he was muscular and tall.

Rose cleared her throat. "Hello? I think you might have the wrong apartment" She was confused and a little bit frightened.
The man turned around to face her, she was now face to ace with the man who wore a clown mask. Rose dropped her groceries in shock, she had been compromised and she knew it. Before the girl could even turn around to make a run for it, something hard smashed against the back of her knees, making the her fly forward and let out a yelp in pain. Then it came, that fucking laugh, that sinister fucked up laugh.

Rose rolled over on to her back, face to face with the monster himself,  the Joker. He held a wooden bat and a big smile on his face.

"Hello Miss Rosie" Rose swallowed, crawling backward, she didn't know what to do. She felt sick to her stomach, she used her arms to pull herself away from him. Sick smile plastered on his face as he made his way closer to her.

"Miss Sharpershooter, you really should make sure you aren't followed when you come home" Rose swallowed, she had made a rookie mistake and now she would pay for it. Rose watched in horror as the Joker lifted the bat in his hands above his head, swinging it down towards her, the bat met Roses ribs, a loud crack, sounding on impact.

"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" Rose rolled to her side grabbing her now broken rib in pain. The Joker swinging the bat down on her face this time, this time knocking her out cold.

***Time Skip***

Rose's eyes snapped open, her breathing was fast and shallow, rolling over she felt a shot of pain run through her entire body.

"Awe what the fuck happened?" she had a headache, her whole body burned with pain. She tried to think, she racked her mind for anything to explain her pain. She looked around her apartment, the window was smashed, arrows scattered around the floor... and blood, lots of it. Was it hers? She crawled towards a smashed mirror, grabbing a piece of the broken glass.

Rose toke a look at her face, her nose was broken, her eyes were black, blood vessels were blown in her eyes, her cheekbone was obviously fractured, she looked like shit, she barely recognized herself. She tried to push herself up and off the ground, her right arm, collapsing from underneath her. A shot of pain ran through her whole body as it gave out from underneath it, dislocated and Rose knew that. She guessed that multiple ribs were broken, The memories began to flood back into her mind, a boy sitting in her living room, the Joker with a crowbar. It all came back to her, she was attacked, he wanted to know about Batman.

Rose rolled over staring at the ceiling, she used her left arm to push herself up and into the sitting position. Rose felt a pain in her stomach, beginning to cough, she felt a liquid come up her throat, blood fell from her mouth and into her lap.

"and what do we say to the god of death? Not today" Rose pushed her feet up underneth her and she stood. Pain shot through her entire body and she limped towards the island. Taking a big breath she swung her shoulder forward, popping her dislocated arm back into place. She grunted in pain as it sent a shock through her entire body. She looked around the mess for her phone, she had to phone Bruce and Richard, her eyes landed on the little black cell phone under her couch. She knew she wouldn't make it in time.

Rose looked towards the emergency button at the edge of the island, Bruce got it installed in case anything happened. Rose used the island to steady herself, slowly making her way to the island. She slammed her hand on the button, she relaxed her body. Knowing Bruce and Richard would come to save her.

Then the darkness came.

Rose Lewis.
A common name, not a common person.
Sharp Shooter
Bruce Wayne's eye in the streets.
Richard Grayson's best friend.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter, the flashbacks will be very short chapters whereas the present-day chapters will be much longer anyways I hope you are enjoying the book so far!

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