10. Where's Rachel?

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The paramedic looked at the woman's scratches, trying to apply a bandage to her forehead as Rose pushed away his hand

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The paramedic looked at the woman's scratches, trying to apply a bandage to her forehead as Rose pushed away his hand.

"Rose!" Rose looked up to see Dick and Kory running towards her, Dick knelt next to Rose looking at the scratches on her face, trailing his fingers over the big one on her forehead.

"I'm okay," Rose told him as she stood up "Rachel ran, I think she's okay, but I'm not sure where she went," Rose told Dick as he kept trying to make sure Rosee was okay, causing the woman to shake her head and roll her eyes at him.

"What happened?" Kory asked Rose and Rose swallowed, shaking her head.

"I-I don't know, they put something in the hot chocolate. I passed out and I think Rachel did too" Rose looked around frantically, trying to remember every detail. Dick grabbed the girl's hand causing Rose to look at him and take a deep breath. "We need to find Rachel"

"Why did you leave them here?" Kory asked as Dick pulled his hand from Roses, glaring at the magenta haired woman.

"In a convent full of nuns?" he asked the woman sarcastically "Yeah, seemed real dangerous. You know, you're the one who stole my car and drove off" Dick glared at the woman before making his way in the direction of his Porsche, grabbing Roses's hand again to make sure she was following him. Rose didn't pay attention to the argument around her, still going through the shock of what had happened, it had been a long time since she hadn't been in control of the situation.

"Yeah I thought you could handle her for a few minutes, but I should've known better considering you ditched her in DC" Dick stopped in his tracks, causing Rose to run into his back and bounce off, he wrapped his arm around the smaller girls shoulders, steading her than turning to look at Kory, his arm still around Rose's shoulders.

"I didn't mean to ditch her, I was just trying-"

"You just couldn't handle her so you left her with your friends, it's pathetic"

"Look can we argue about this after we find her?" Dick turned, taking his arm off Rose's shoulders and grabbing her hand instead, walking towards the car.

"She's getting more powerful" Rose now decided to speak up causing Dick to look back at the woman, but continue walking.

"Yeah, but she's still just a kid, alone and scared and on the run"


The group of three shared a look before Dick pushed open the doors of the mansion, Dick walked into the living room and the floorboards creaked under their feet. The lights continued to flicker and Rose and Kory followed closely alongside Dick. The lights completely turned off then came back on.

"Get out" The three spun around to look at a beautiful looking woman, the lights turned off completely again and then back on now the woman who had once looked beautiful now looked as if she was melting. Time to go was all Rose thought, turning to leave now stood a mummy looking person who wore house clothes and sunglasses and next to him stood a robot with glaring red eyes.

A loud screech echoed through the house and Rose sighed, I guess we aren't leaving. "Rachel" Dick spoke and looked to the two girls that stood beside him.

"Go, we got this" Kory told him and Rose nodded, Dick ran and Rose got into a battle stance, looking at the two men.

"Don't make me fight you, you don't wanna see what I really am" Kory took a step in front of Rose, holding her hand out.

"Same" was all Kory said as Rose turned her back to Kory as she kept her eyes on the beautiful woman.


"Let's go Fam jam, we got KFC waiting for us!" Rose yelled while she leaned on the car, watching Rachel lean on Dick for support as they made their way out of the house. Rachel turned to stare at the group of people behind her.

"Go. Go with them," The robot told the green-haired boy, who looked back at the people behind him. "Go have a life" Rose smiled at the boy before Dick or Kory could have any say in the situation Rose spoke first.

"Come on kid!" Rose yelled earning a look from Dick and Kory both as she had a big smile on her face.

"You get hit in the head while you were in that church?" Dick asked the girl, chuckling as he got into the driver's side, earning a glare from Rose as she made her way into the passenger side.

A/N: short chapter, but I hope you enjoy! Thanks everybody for reading! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks again!

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