8. Jesus

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Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:


SharpShooter hid quietly on the floor above, her gaze watched carefully, as Hank and Dawn were cornered in front of a van. Around 30 men stood around them, guns all pointed at them, their triggers ready. A small man walked up towards Hank and Dawn, beginning to talk to them. Rose pulled out an arrow, putting it onto her bow, pulling back. She aimed for the man closest to Dawn who had a gun pointed at her head.

Rose watched as Dick took the sheers the man once held and shoved them into his crotch, Rose let go of her arrow, sending it into the man she had aimed ats chest. Rose pulled another arrow out of her quiver, Rose watched as the men all began to scatter from one another, this caused her to giggle. Just like hunting deer she thought to herself as she shot another man in the chest, sending him falling backward.

Rose watched as the men scattered away from Hank and Dawn, Rose trusted Dick would finish the rest off, she jumped from the railing above and landed on the van. She threw her bow over her shoulder, she jumped off the top of the van and made her way over to the two.

Rose threw Hanks other arm over her shoulder, helping carry him towards the exit. He was shot, but Rose could take that bullet out, she recognized the wound wasn't too bad. A scream from a man came from the direction they were headed causing Dawn to reconsider her idea.

"Let's go the other way" Dawn spoke, the three turned around. Dawn and Hank jumped at the sight of Dick, Rose guessed it was the blood on his jaw. Rose motioned her wiping her jaw off, hoping he would catch on. Dick ignored the girl, bending down to retrieve the Robin blade that was still embedded in the man's eye.

"You're welcome" Dick left not waiting for a thank you, Rose rolled her eyes at his actions.

"Jesus." Dawn spoke and the three made their way to the van.


The whole way back nobody said a word, it was just Rose working to remove the bullet out of Hank. All four stood in the hallway, standing right in front of the apartment door. "You weren't kidding about having changed" Dawn spoke with disappointment "I've never seen you like that before" They all knew who she was talking about, but nobody said a word. Hank opened the door and they all followed him inside. 

Rose was too busy focusing on the bruises on her fingertips that she hadn't even noticed Dick calling out for Rachel, Rose stared at her fingers, she was too busy thinking about what the Joker had said to her that night he had attacked her. Rose was brought out of her daze when Dick set a hand on her shoulder. "We can't find Rachel" he spoke frantically, before continuing his search.

Rose went to search in the kitchen, but only found plates and bowls that indicated that she did eat in here. The living room was empty, the same way it looked when her and Dick were here earlier.

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