NAJ Poth- i couldnt think of a title

808 19 16

Requested by pallyrollke

Palette went off to the courtyard as he went over to sat alone while he looked up in the trees with birds flying near them. He smiled at the sight.

"Hey Palette." PJ sat next to him and so did Sprinkles. "Oh hey guys."

"What's up?" Sprinkles asked.

"Doing good." Palette answered as he trailed to look at Goth. The one he's friends with. But Goth was talking with his other friend Desire. Incubux was also in the conversation.

Gradient was also there talking with blueprint.

"Hmmm... There he goes daydreaming again." PJ smirked as Sprinkles giggled. "O-Oh What?!" Palette stuttered. "What were you thinking about?" Sprinkles asked.


"Pal I took psychology as my course and I can know what your feeling. It's obvious." Said Sprinkles as he rolled his pupils. "Yeah Palette. You can't lie to us." Said PJ.

"Sorry..." Palette smiled awkwardly.

"So are you in love with someone?"

His soul stopped.


No way. He only saw Goth as a friend and he thought Goth only saw him as a friend.

So what's there to put it?

"Palette?" Palette snapped out of it as Sprinkles just looked at him. "He's to in love it's so obvious." Sprinkles squealed. "N-NO IM NOT!"

"Palette is in LoVeeeeeeee!" PJ made kissy noises which made Palette face palm into oblivion. "Hey PJ where's the pan? I wanna kill you with it and stuck it inside your throat. IF YOU HAVE ONE."

"Woah! No need to get hasty! Palette stop!-"

Palette tackled PJ with a evil glint in his eyesocket. "PJ." He growled as PJ sweatdropped. "S-Someone help!"

Sprinkles did not know what to do in this situation. All he did was just stay put. "Sprinkles help me out here!" "I don't know what to do!"


Goth stood there in curiousity as Palette stopped what he was doing and turned to Goth which his face slowly turned into shock.

Part 2 coming soooon.

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