Chapter Two

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Percy's POV

He didn't even know his own name.

He didn't know how old he was.

Or if he had a family out there waiting for him.

All he knew was that he fell through a magical roof that led him to the floors of a huge hall. And that he was surrounded by a bunch of teens who were wearing bathrobes. He honestly didn't know what to think. Especially as they all pointed their sticks at him, were they going to poke him to death?
The only good thing that came out of this situation was that he was casually sitting on a chair in a cozy office with both, a elderly woman staring him with a stern face along with a portrait of an old man who looks like he could go one on one with Gandalf.

And that he was casually sucking on a blue candy he was offered.

Most likely that.

"Your name's Percy then?" The elderly woman asked with a raised brow.

'Percy' cleared his throat. " That's what uh-"

"Dumbledore" the man piped in.

"That's what Dumbledore said anyway?" Percy didn't know what to say to the elderly woman. He didn't even know if the old man was telling the truth, for all he knows his name might actually be James or Carter?

"It is indeed Perseus Jackson nonetheless you were here as an exchange student but I must say, you're a couple years late" Dumbledore mused. "Nor did I know that you were going to use that method of transportation"

Percy Jackson never felt the more confused. He was an transfer student? Him? Percy couldn't place the feeling but he was one hundred precent sure that him and schools don't mix well. Especially one of this size.

"Porfessor Mcgonagall do you mind sorting him?" Dumbledore continued.

The woman looked surprised. "Here in the office? That's never been done before"

Dumbledore smiled, his eyes glinted with an all knowing look. "There's always a first time for everything"

"Very well"

And with that happy note, Mcgonagall summoned a...hat? The hat was rusty and old, and seemed to talk.

"Oh?" He muttered. "It's been a year already?"

Percy was certain this was one of the most weirdest things he has ever seen in his life. A talking hat?

Professor Mcgonagall rolled her grey eyes, she gave the hat a stern look. "No we missed one student out"

If the hat could shrug Percy was certain that he would've had. "Well let me at him"

How did the hat know he was a he? Well Percy couldnt ask as Mcgonagall placed the hat gingerly on his head as if he was going to tear ut apart.

Ahhh, Percy Jackson. The hat mused. One of the greatest heroes ever to walk this earth.

Do I know you?

No, you possibly could not. I'm just here to sort you. Yes sort you, into one of the four houses. Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious, Gryffindor the brave and daring, Hufflepuff for the loyal and just and lastly Ravenclaw for the Wise and Wit.

I'm not a Ravenclaw. For some reason It just seemed right to Percy to say that even though he doesn't even remember who he was. So you sort me due to my personality?

If the hat could laugh at him he would've. No, your traits. In this cause, i find it most appropriate that you be in slytherin. You are ambitious, you have determination to succeed whilst others say you can't and you are very cunning to your enemies. But all that and you still won't leave your own behind. And not to forget, Slytherin is mostly associated with the element water something you would find very dear to you. But not to fear many great wizards has come from the house slytherin. Merlin for instance.

Percy drank in the information. Is that how he really is like? He pondered the information and didn't give a second thought as the hat announced that in was indeed an Slytherin. Professor Mcgonagall gave Percy a long calculating look before gesturing him to follow her.

Percy thought that look was one of familiarity, he knew someone who would look at him that way. Trying to figure out his very existence in a glance. Those silver eyes added to his thoughts. Piercing silver eyes like storm clouds on a rainy day.

Professor Mcgonagall's walk was hurried and quick, as if she wanted to get rid of Percy. She started stating the rules of Hogwarts. Percy stopped listening at rules, even with no memories intact he knew that he wouldn't be following the rules any time soon.

"- lastly please try not to cause trouble"

"Hmm? Oh right, I'll try" Percy stammered, not willing to give away the fact that he was indeed not listening.

"This is where you would be staying, Horace gave me the password... parselmouth?" Mcgonagall hummed questionly.

The wall responded by moving a step back before sliding open revealing a room surrounded by stone and pebbles. Mcgonagall didn't enter saying something about it being disrespectful. The dungeon like room, was decorated in colours of silver and green with chairs around a crackling fireplace, Percy absolutely loved how the common room connected with the lake, at times he would see some fish swimming past the window. It has the feel of an mysterious underwater shipwreck and Percy loved it. He felt as if it was cozy.

"You must be Percy"

Percy on instinct reached into the pocket of his pants but frowned as there was nothing. He was more than certain there would've been something there. He eyed the blond haired boy. "Yeah, I'm Percy Jackson"

The silver eyed boy, didn't blink. "My names Draco Malfoy, quite a show you made at dinner"

Percy felt himself blush. "It wasnt on purpose" he shrugged. "I guess me and trouble are quite acquainted."

Draco smirked. "You remind me of a better version of Potter."

"Sorry, did you say potty?"

Draco snorted and patted his shoulder. "I remain corrected, let me show you to your room"

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