Chapter Five

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Percy was lost, after climbing flights of stairs and walking hall after hall, he was finally lost. The Slytherin boy had his hands on his hips, trying to remember what way he came from but all that came to his head was stairs. His legs ached and his lungs burned. It was because his lack of working out, he should start again.


There was that word. Percy scowled, if he couldn't even remember who he is, why would he even remember which way he came from.

He instulted himself silently. "Vlacas"

Percy jerked back as the picture of a blonde haired, silver eyed girl glaring at him flashed before his eyes. He ran his hands down his face. Was he haunted?

"Hello? You look lost"

His eyes fell on a girl who stood patiently behind him. Her hair was brown which fell in soft curls, with matching chocolate eyes. She had a badge on her robes. Deha Igrl? Eahd gril?

"Good observation" he gave her a thumbs up. "I am lost"

She rolled her eyes. "As head girl, it is my duty to help whoever in need." It was like she was convincing herself.

"Well...that's nice to know?" Percy frowned. "Look if you don't wanna help I won't tell anyone about it" He shrugged.

The girl frowned at him. "No, I want to help. My names Hermione Granger"

Percy offered his hand which she shook gingerly. "Percy Jackson, well Perseus Jackson i think"

"You think?" Hermione pried with a raised brow.

Percy felt himself blush. "I kind of don't have my memories? I dunno its coming back slowly though" he shook the doubt that slithered throughout his body.

Hermione watched him for a couple more seconds before continuing. "Well where are you heading to?"

"Dunno? Where people are?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, we are going to hogsmead today, are you coming?"

Percy snorted. "It sounds like a pig disease...."

Hermione smirked at that. "I guess it kind of does." With that she gestured him to follow her and they walked side by side towards their destination. They talked and talked and Percy found himself liking her. She reminded him of the grey eyed girl he kept seeing, Hermione had the same calculating look as she did. "Well your accent sounds more American then British"

Percy raised his eyebrows. "I have an accent? I always thought you guys have an accent?"

Hermione laughed. "That's the thing about accents! I mean to us British people, think that we don't have an accent then there's you guys who think the same thing!"

"Wow, you really calling America 'You guys?'" Percy laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes I am, deal with it"


She smiled in delight. "Ronald!" She looked at Percy with a smile. "Percy, that is my boyfriend Ronald Weasly but he likes to be called Ron"

"You call him Ronald though?"

She smirked. "It called dominance"

Percy snorted.

Ron approached us, Harry trailing behind him. "Mione! Who's this?"

She smiled brightly. "Ron Percy, Percy Ron"

Percy offered his hand for a shake but quickly dropped it as Ron glared at him instead. "Nice to meet you?"

He was ignored. Instead Percy stood there awkwardly as Ron shifted his glare to Hermione who wore one scarier then his. "Why are you associating with a death eater?"

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