Chapter Seven

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"Who are you?"

The ginger boy looked confused for a second before realisation hit him. "Again? You lost your memory again? If this is Hera i seear to olympus-'

"Hera? Olympus? What are you talking about?" Percy felt vulnerable not knowing information which could be vital to his well being.

"Oh," he mumbled. "You don't know know" he commented to himself.

"Of course i don't know! Some dead person told me my name!"

The boy didn't look fazed but as the connection started to shimmer he suddenly looked worried. "Don't worry Percy we're coming to you! Someone is messing with the connect-"

Percy woke up with a headache. He rubbed his temple and glared at the wall across from him as if it'll pulverise at the intensity. Draco was awake himself sitting at the edge of his bed, Blaise with mumbling in his sleep, Theo wasn't even in bed.

"You okay there mate?" Draco muttered without looking up, casually flipping throughout a book.

Percy blinked. "Uh i think? Dunno its a weird dream...involved a guy with horns?"

Theo snorted as he waslked through the bathroom doors. "The devil? Satan? Are you a satanist Percy?"

Percy rolled his eyes as did Draco. "I sure hope not"

Blaise suddenly shot from his bed. "Shit! I forgot post the quidditch team!"

With that happy note, Blaise ran out of the room still in his jammies effectively making the three boys laugh.

Breakfast fortunately came quick. Percy happily munched on waffles with blueberries. Joining in on the conversation with his three friends from time and time. He felt comfortable, sitting there. In his weird school uniform, with out a care in the world. Percy didn't know why but he knew that he didn't have these moments often. He was always looking over his shoulder, he knew that much.

He smelt the lemonade and thought of the blonde haired girl. That's what her hair smelt like, which he weirdly knew. Just like he knew they were in a relationship, and how other girls didn't catch his attention the way her memory did.

A smile settled on his lips as he remembered how smart she was, her sarcastic comments she throws whenever Percy was being a smartass. Even when her eyes light up as she talked about architecture.

And her kisses....

"Are you okay mate?" Draco asked for the thirtieth time that morning. "You look..."

"Love struck" Blaise finished with a snicker.

"Please tell me you didn't shag somebody when we were sleeping" Theo whined.


"I sure hope not" Draco snickered.

Pansy sat besides Theo. "Who did Percy shag?"

"I didn't shag anyone!" He yelled a little too loudly.

Professor Mcgonagal frowned from her seat. "I sure hope not" she mirrored Draco's words making him blush.

And the rest of the hall snicker.

"I just remember this one person..."

"Is it a girl?" Pansy smiled. "I wonder why you're happy"

"Her Annie? Annabel? No, Annabeth" he smiled fondly. "She's really pretty" His friends snickered.

"Percy got himself a lady" Draco joked.

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