Presenting the Princess

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You have long since resigned your heart to be devoid of romantic love. Pinning away was a pointless waste of time. Being born a princess, you were taught long ago that you would marry whomever your father chose. Considering how he detested your mother, your hopes weren't high in that aspect.

Still, a perk to not spending all your time daydreaming about a future husband allowed you to focus on so many other things. After mother was done teaching you and your siblings for the day, you would always be thirsty for more. Some afternoons you would retire to the library and read about history or other countries in the world. Other days you felt like fencing with the General, Barkak. You'd often sneak to the kitchen to observe how the chefs made such exquisite food. As much as you could get away with it, you'd explore the laws of nature with experiments. You dabbled with a few instruments and singing. You observed dancers at parties and then tried to mimic their steps late at night afterwards.

Sure you were better at some things than others, but as long as you were still learning you felt alive. The pursuit of knowledge was your passion, your one true love. It was only when you felt like you couldn't get better at something that aggravated you. Plateaus in your progression annoyed you to no end.

Still, all your achievements didn't gain you any favor in your father's sight. He'd always hold you and your siblings at arms length, while he dreamed of a former maid that he had an affair with.

"Princess (y/n). Your father has requested your presence," an attendant comes to inform you.

You place your finger where you were reading so you don't lose your place as you respond, "Very well, I'll be there as soon as I finish this chapter."

"But your highness, you are already late. We've been searching the whole palace over for you."

Annoyed, you put your book down. "And whose fault is that? You know where to find me. It's not like I can leave the palace or anything."

You get up and follow the attendant to the throne room. As other attendants see you have been located, they join your entourage as they fuss over your hair and such. When you arrive, the guards open the door and you stride in.

You hear your father's voice. "I'll take you to meet the Emperor of Parthevia."

It was a typical sight. Your father was sitting high on his throne. At the foot of the platform, a young man was on his knees, hands clasped together before him.

The youth seemed shaken as he responded, "...Meet the Emperor...?"

Your father explains some technical conditions and asks for a response. While waiting, he looks over and sees you. He states, "Good. You've finally arrived. Sinbad, I know you didn't find what you were looking for on the Dark Continent, but if you were still considering my one option, this is my oldest daughter, (y/n)."

The young man looks over at you, hesitant how to proceed. His golden eyes lock on to your (eye color) ones. Whatever was going through his brain was unreadable. And you are unsure what option your father referred to, but it obviously involved you. If it involves you, it probably has something to do with marriage. After all, all princesses are good for is to forge alliances in matrimony.

Could this man be your future? If so, maybe the whole arranged part wouldn't be so bad. True you know nothing of him, but you are entranced by his almond-shaped eyes. You still are a few years shy of marrying age, so if you end up betrothed to him, there would be time to get to know him. What kind of man was he? His clothes are sleek and colorful boasting his prosperity; giant hoop earrings scream his self-confidence; calloused skin rings around his neck. Was that a scar?

Sinbad closes his eyes with a smile, slightly shaking his head. He mumbles something under his breath and you think you could make out the words 'pig' and 'brother.' He turns back to face your father.

"I suppose I haven't given it much thought. But as for Parthevia, I accept your offer."

King Rashid nods, "I shall see you at the port in a few days then. (y/n) can escort you out."

Sinbad gives a final bow to the king and gets up. You obediently leave the room with the young man next to you. Your mind is reeling, trying to figure out what is happening. It sounded like a trip was underway, but you knew it would have been out of turn for you to question your father about it and would be reprimanded later. Mother never let Ahbmad get in trouble for his actions, but the rest of you were not spared any discipline from father.

You wait for Sinbad to speak first, but it seems as though he has more on his mind than you have. "E-excuse me...?"

Sinbad snaps out of his thoughts and gives you a nervous smile with an apology.

You ask, "Would you tell me about what my father was talking about? I am unsure why he had me come, and he won't talk to me of such things."

" that so?" Sinbad chuckles anxiously. "Well, that makes this awkward...You see, I plan to change the world and so I want to start my own country. And...uh...he offered that I could get a country by marrying into a royal family."

So this was about you getting married! Excitedly you ask, "Did my father tell you anything about me?"

"Um, no actually."

You think, How typical!

Sinbad continues, "but something about an arranged marriage doesn't sit right with me. It's nothing personal, but I don't think it's right for one's status to be tied to their blood..."

You couldn't tell that he was still shaken from a part of his recent adventure where he lost a duel for a djinn due to such an argument. It was another item on his list of injustices he seeks to correct. All you could garner though is he was rejecting being with you.

You stop walking. "Do you find me repulsive?"

Sinbad waves his hands in front of him. "Oh, no! It's not like that at all!"

"Well then if both parties were to like each other...would an arranged marriage be so bad?" When Sinbad fails to respond, you clarify, "I mean if we got to be friends, arranging a marriage would be more like a choice than an obligation."

Sinbad smirks, "And how do you know we would even be friends?"

"I don't," you say blatantly, "But that doesn't mean you should discount pursuing that possibility."

"I suppose there is a possibility that we could become friends. But I need to get ready to leave and won't be back for some time!"

With that, Sinbad leaves the palace. You turned around and head back to your father's throne. The marriage proposal was obviously a dead end, but the tail end of the conversation did give you an idea to benefit yourself. You approach the king, climbing the stairs up to him.

The king looks down on your flustered face. He muses, "I take it he has some other plan for founding a country? Strange fellow. He has the gall to ask me for a small portion of Balbadd, but when I offer him the whole of it..."

"Father! You were talking about going to Parthevia? I request permission to go with you!"

Rashid snaps out his thoughts and stares at you. "What purpose do you have for coming?"

You place a hand on your chest. "To help me work on my diplomacy! I can only know so much from reading. I would like first hand experience observing proper etiquette. You can't deny it is an essential skill for a royal to have!"

He laughs at you. "I suppose you make a valid point. Very well."

AN: I apologize for giving reader a few shared character flaws with Rashid's sons.

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