No time to meet him again

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Chris pov

Its been a month that i was so busy in my work meetings that i did n't have a time to visit that club and see him .i feel like its been a year that i did n't see him . Today i asked my personel guards to do some research on him that where he lives ? Parents ? Every single detailed i did n't have a picture of him but i do have perfect words to describe and find him .

Fuck my father is a single parent who always care about money and bissnuess not even his own son means nothing to him . Sometie when i came there is no one to welcome me or sincere partner . My whole house look empty to me . This huge mansion making more lonely . I think about it alot because he is a guy who will fill that space in my heart and house too. I need him now it dosn' t matter what people will say about me that i fall in love with the crossdresser club dancer gay teen . I think i miss him more than i miss any one else in my whole life . My security guard called me and text me the whole information about him. He have stressful life . Its 2:00am and i missed him so much that i couldn't stop to visit the club again . I want to fuck the soul out of him because he is the only person who have that affect on me.

Jase pov

Its been a month that my expanses increases because of my school fee . I failed to pay my bills , I can't afford my dog food . I hugged my dog with the tears falling through my eyes i was cuddling and kissing my dog for the last time . I decided to leave him on road . During the whole drive i keep crying and sobing . My car broke out on the road and the weather was stormy . I am afrAid of light of thunder . After half hour i decided to see whats the problem in car . I did n't had ambrella to cover my self . Rain soaking on my long black coat . I am just wearing black bikni with long black heals . My tears keep falling from my eyes and becoming the part rain . I was busy in my thought and work when some move ambrella over my head and said in husky voice.

" looks like you are in trouble . Do you need help ? I can provide you the lift if you want ."

I hesitantly moved away from because he was so closer to me that i can feel his breath .

" no thanks i don't need your help "

He said again and moving umbrella over my head .

" i am not a bad guy and i don't have any bad attentions towards you so please get in the car you might get sick "

I didn't feel the negative vibes from him . After some time i said .

" ok "

He opend the car door for me to get in . He start the car to drive . I was shivering due to my wet coat he took off his own coat and give to wear it . I took it by saying thank you . His coat was bigger than me because it totally covered my knees . I am hardly 5 feet and six inch but i think he is 6 feet 2 inch taller than me . Car was good and huge with comfortable seats . He also increase the temperature of the car .

I told him my address and the whole drive was in silence . I was tired due to lack of sleep . I loss control and went in to deep sleep . When i open my eyes i was laying on huge bed with comfortable and soft pillow . I noticed that some one change my clothes i am in l ong gray tea shirt which reach almost my knees with over size trouser . I think that were his clothes . I start to interrogate that how i get here ? Last time i remember i was in car . Who change my clothes ? How i end up here ? I was in my own my own thought when the door of the giant room revealing the guy who give me lift . He said

" oh you wake up so how were sleep ?

Don't worry nothing happened yesterday i just change your clothes because they were wet . I wash them they are dry now . So i change your clothes i hope you don't mind "

I get nervous because i am just wearing black transparent crop top which bearely cover my butt and bikni waa showing beneath it . I moved my hands to check my boxer amd thong but i was only in thong with no undershirt . Even though i am virgin but i am gay you can easily jugde my gayness.

I moved my hairs above my head and tied them . I feel his intense eyes on me . I sad moving my hair strand behind my ear .

" i want to go home . Thanks for letting me sleep "

I can see the hurt in his eyes .

I move sheets above me and tried to stand up because i am having swelling and redness in my feets due to dancing in high pencils heals . I couldn't put the wait on my feet . I feel numbness in feets . He noticed that too. Suddenly bend down and start examing my swelling by gently touching . I can feel the softness of his hands .he stood up and picked me up in bridal style without even asking me for permission .i feel my heart start to beat faster and blood rushes to my veins . I feel the heat of my cheeks . He gently put me on sofa and went to somewhere in house . After some time he came with the hot tub and towel . He put hot towel on my swelling it hurt like hell . I tried to protest against him but damn he was strong .

" wait it will help to release the pain . "

He keep doing it over and over again untill i feel out of breath . The water was hot but it did n't have any affect on his hands.

" he move the my hair strand my ears and cleaned my sweaty face with the tissue .

" don't walk too much take rest it will be fine after some hours "

" but i want to go home "

Chris : " forget about it .you are staying here this is you home now " -------------------

To be continued

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