Apologizing to him

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Chris pov

Now i can feel the anger boiling in me . But i can't show my dominance behaviour now . I prepared myself not to get angry on him . My friend understand the tense environment so he leaved hurriedly by making excuse . I prepare my mind and repeat the words to my self

"control yourself chris ".

After all its not his fualt jacob was always fualt because he was a bisexual. I slowly knock on the door and said

" hey jase are you in there ?"

No response all i could hear crying and sobing noises of jase . I feel like my something hit my chest and tried to hurt me .

I tried again by knocking .

Than i loose my temper and said in dominant voice .

" i am warning you open this door now ."

Than there was a sudden silence in the room and it worked . He opened the door after some minutes .

" listen to me jase i have no relation with him he is just my friend who just trying to date me but i did n't have any attentions toward him .

" You are the first guy who just stole my heart without even informing me ."

I said this more to myself than to him . He keep shedding tears from his eyes . I wipe them and said

" if you ever have any confusion between us you can always simply come to me and ask for it

Did you hear me ?"

He nodded in reponse

I said

Use your words baby

" Ok daddy "

I feel myself getting horny by hearing the name from him .i hug him tightly and sequeeze his butt . I can feel his body tense up but became relax when i keep runing circles with my hands to calm him . He looked cute though in my clothes .

" daddy i want to take a shower ."

Damn ofcourse he want to take a shower because he is still in my clothes from almost two days . i realize that he have no clothes to wear so i search in my wadrobe after five minutes i found the boxer of red which were tight to me and small tea shirt which bearly covered my belly because its small and too tight for me . Which was also red too. He come out of washroom with one towel around his waste and other around his hair . His body were still wet and fully covered in droplets i feel my desire to touch him . I went slowly towards him when his back facing towards me i sniff his smell and place my hands in his shoulder and other on his crotch . I start rubbing my hands on it to make him horny . His face turned red as tomato his eyes began to close when he said,

" please don't do it now master"

he said in almost wispher.

I tried to get rid of the dirty thoughts and lust so i said .

" i am sorry i just can't control myself because its second time i noticed your beauty . Of course i know that you are virgin i will wait for you and tell me when you are ready "

With that i left the room and bulge in my pants making me frustated now i had to get rid off it first . I think about him during manstrubation . Its pretty odd when you have the person you love is in the same house and you don't want to cheat him but still feel sexually drawn towards him like magnet but you have to wait . This is how i spend my day . In the evenving we went to shopping . I told him to chose the clothes which he liked. First he feel hesitated than he keep looking at the tags of clothes, i said

" pick any cloth you like and never look at the tags "

Thank god he did what i told . He picked up so many crossdresser clothes . I also choose some of the clothes for him specially red dress which was very beautifull and sexy looking . I noticed we bought everything except the boxers thong briefs blouz or may be bra type stuff which maybe the male type. I noticed that he keep looking that garments but too shy to picked them or maybe he needed them but don't want to buy with me so i made this easy for him and bought so many of them of multiple colors with different style . He keep blushing and start looking away and said

"Daddy how do you know my size ?"

I chuckled at his question and said

" i know everthing about you because i have a eagle eyes "

Hell i am not going to tell him the truth that how i find out because first night when i change his clothes reveal his size .


To be continued

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