Facing the storm

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Jase pov

I always spend my time at home cooking lunch for daddy and taking shower getting ready before

he came . Remaining time i spend watching tv and using cell . I have no one in my contact list except daddy . There was knock on door and servant harry opened it there stood tall middle aged man having same features as chris . He looked me head to toe with hate in his eyes.

" you have three weeks to decide . Leave my son i know you are greedy and not in love with him . You love his money and fame "

" otherwise you don't know what i am capable of "

I started crying with tears . His father left . I don't know what to do ? Where to go ? How to tell him ? Will he believe me ? Will he trust me ? Will we saty together ? All these questions keep runing in my mind i don't know how to deal with this situation ?

When chris came home and heard me cry . Left the bag in door way and asked me .

"Baby what's wrong ?"

"What happened?"

I keep crying with hiccups .

Chris pov

I don't know what happened to him . I never see him crying that hard . I feel like someone stabbing my soul with knife . He is the most important person in my life .suddenly he moved his his face from pillow , all i can see swellon red puffy eyes . His tears stains cheeks . He hugg me tight and started crying again . I did everything to calm him telling sweet words and runing circles on his back .

" princesses if you not going to tell me what is bothering you than how i am going to solve the problem ."

Than he slowly slowly tell me everything . I am not surprise to hear it . I knew that my father was always a fucking monster . I Instructed all the guards not to let him enter in my house . We spend the rest of the day sleeping and cuddling. I went to washroom for pee when i came back he awake actually half awake .

" you know i love you more than you think its really difficult for me to trust someone speically you as a boyfriend . I never met good people in life but i trust you only you because i love you "

He opened his eyes with tears on cheeks i wiped them and replied . I don't came in his mind when he said that

" i know princesses you never trust anyone. I am the only one and last ."

" than make a promise that you will never ever break that "

"I promise my wife "

Than all the tension and sadness in the room disappear with hot and passionate long kiss between us .Even his salty tears on his lips taste so good .i am not going to lie . Love make you do stupid things . Its just a drug which you can't get rid off. Its the special connection between two souls to become one .


To be continued

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