Change of environment

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Jase pov

"I will never ever leave youin that mess no matter what you do to make agree ,

Did you hear me ?"

He almost shouted and anger in his voice .i almost freaked out . He took deep breath and said

" i know you did n't believe me and you think that i am some type of freak ,creepy dude , who just tried you to fuck for sex but believe me i like you more than i ever like anyone in my whole life . I slept with alot of girls but not with boys but you are one who make me totally vulnerable . I quit sleeping with random people when day i see you . I know everything about you likeyou lived in orphan center . I don't know if your parents want you or not because you didn't see them . I know that how one of the employe tried to raip you but you ran away . And tried to make your own world . I know that you failed the jobs so you finally decided to become a cross dresser and i know that student tried to torture you by saying you are gay crossdresser club dancer . I know it too that you started online school from home . Please just give me chance i am not like others believe me . I like you i really do ."

There were true emotions of love in his words . He had tears in his eyes when said all those romantic words to me . I feel like watching a moving or day dreaming . In my whole life no one ever said this to me . I was in my own world . When he said again .

"So ? "

It sound more like a question to me .

" so ? " i repeat

" would you like to eat breakfast with me " .

" Yes "

I tried to walk but again he picked me up so easly in bridal style and carried me to the kitchen he gently put me down on chair and sit next to me .smell of food was so good that made my stomach growl . He chuckle .

I asked

" did you cook it ? "

" yes i can cook food too is n't mean that i am billionare guy who can't cook .is it not tasty ? "

" no it is very tasty that's why i ask "

I did n't eat properly from almost 3 or 2 days .

So i eat food like a idiot and keep moaning after eating delicious bite of food .

" if you keep making noises than i will fuck the soul out of you even in the start of our relationship "

He warned me and raised his eye brow .

I became nervous and avoid to talk .

He picked up the plates and started washing it . I tried to help him but he took the plates from my hand and began to wash them . I just keep starring him like a idiot because he have six packs which you can easily see when he moved his arms to clean the dishes . Its odd that first time in my life i never feel ugly vibes from anyone . I swallow my sliva licked my lips to made the dryness go away this man have a huge affect on me. Holy jesus christ my heart said to believe but my mind said , take your time to think it wisely . Offcourse he is a fucking dom, i can see it .

Then there was a knock on his door. He went to open the door by drying his hands i walk behind him like a puppy .

" uff now i see why you were so busy and never wanted to meet me , even though i miss you much ".

He said by hugging him tightly and totally ignored me . He kissed him on his cheeks . I stand there like a idiot and there were so many question running in my mind what his relationship with him or who is he ? I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes and ran toward the up stairs . I even ignore the voice who keep calling my name and telling me to stop . I went into the room and locked it . I keep crying and soaking his bed sheets with my tears .

Didn't he was the first who initiated to convince me that i should give him a chance and he liked me . These types of insequrites keep haunted me . Even though my cried became louder , anyone can easily hear it behind the doors. Than there was a knock on the door .

------------------to be continued

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