Going to the hospital

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Chris pov

We reached the hospital after ten minutes . He was conscious and murmuring something .sadly which i can't understood .when we reached the hospital doctor wouldn't allow me to go in the icu .i want to stay with him no matter what . But do said ,

" if you keep shouting and crying sadly i will not let you with him in icu more than that i will kick you out of the ward too ."

The doctor who was tired of my freaking behaviour now threatened me .

liam holding my arm to stop.

" look you are disturbing the jase too. He is in serious condition they need to find out whats wrong with him please calm down . "

Liam said rubbing my back i hugged and started crying .

" i am so sacredright now i don't know what happened to him ?"

 Time skip i see the doctor after two hours my heart start beating faster .i rushed towards him
" how is he ?"
Doctor have no expression his so i can't read his face .
" actually he is weak his bp was high so he fainted and much better now . I give him some injection and drip too. He is sleeping ."
I sigh in relieved
" Can i see him"
" you can see him only if you answer some of my question ?"
"Hmmm mr.chris right ?"
" yes you can ask me anything doctor if it is related about health of jase "
" how often you have sex with him did you use protection ."
" alot but we did n't use protection i mean he is not man born with ovaries "
" are you first he have sex with ?"
" yes i am the first before that he was virgin "
" actually he is pregnant and week too "
He told me by reading the pregnancy test results .
" did you fight with him about anything ?
Or maybe he is in stress "
" no i didn't we have a pretty good relationship with eachother ."
" look i don't want to hide anything .his babdy is week and i am sacred if you don't give him the proper and care .there will more chances that you going to loose your baby. I wrote some multivitamins for him . And don't have sex with each other almost for two months sex shouldn't be too wild .come for check up after two weeks ."
I got worried about him because how the shit he just ignored his health .oh god i don't know how to tell him that he is pregnant male . I took deep breath and slightly open the door . There he laying on bed and sleeping peacefully in a hospital gown his golden curled hair was everywhere on a pillow with light brown bags under his eyes . His pink glossy lips was looking more sexy and kissable . I ran my hands through his beautiful soft golden curly hair . He moved and gently press my lips on his lips . After two or third kiss he open his eyes but still in sleepy mode .
" how are you feeling love ? "
"Hmm "

he replied in slow voice almost in wispher.
" i am feeling fine just tired i guess "
You know you will get discharge from the hospital tomorrow . When we get home i need to tell something ."
"What you want to tell me ? Did you cheated on me "
He asked worriedly
" no its not like that i want to talk about us baby girl ."
I said by taking sniff of his perfume which smell of me too .i love to take sniff of his neck and hair .he keep blushing and smiling like cute little .

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