Feeling ashamed because of my mistake

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Chris pov

I can't that i hurt him . He is having high fever and may be low bp . My personel doctor visited to check him . He check his pulse and heart beat . He preparing injection when for jase .when he tried to inject him .i can see tears with sacrey expression. I hold his hand and said

" its okay baby you are fine its just a injection .he did what i told . When doctor nticed bite marks on his neck and face . He than look at me with totally disgusting look . Jase was just wearing my shirt .i did n't change the bed sheet too . There was still fade smell of sex in my room. Doc look at me and said .

" can you wait outside "

I know the doctor need privacy with his patient .

When he comes out of the room .

I couldn't hold my worry and asked .

" how is he ? "

"He is fine mr.chris but you know its better to not kill him during sex ."

I didn't respond to his bull shit .

" is his butt hole is fine ."

" i am shure his butt is fine but have swelling and dry blood stains i wipe it .

" a cream written on prescription . You should apply on his bite marks and butt hole too.

Okay i have to go mr.chris ."

When he just about to leave he turned and said .

" its better not fuck him at least for three months ."

I got more embarce for myself . After that i picked him up in a bridal style and carried him in washroom to bath tub i removed my shirt from his body and gently start cleaning him with shower jell . Then i carefully wash his long hairs .than i carried him to the room . One my servants change bed sheet and clean the room . I removed towel from his beautiful body and dry his skin . I help him him wear clothes . I also dry his long curly golden hair and straighten them .than i carried him to the kitchen for break fast .i put him gently on sofa . His beautifull face exrpessions change into painful tease. I put the pillow under his butt to make him comfortable . He was just wearing short pink shirt with shorts only . He refuses to wear thong and boxer . I handed him the remote to watch tv .

I am very confused because of his calm and cool expression . He was n't complaining about my action nor angry .

So i started

" i am sorry it was all my fault . I should n't go further . I should be gentle to you ."

" no its not your fault master . It was actually my fault . I should had teased you and test your patience by making delay .i am so sorry master ."

" please don't made me more ashame with your good behaviour princesses. "

I kissed on his for head and went in the kitchen to make pan cake with eggs and juice .


To be continued

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