Acting weird

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Chris pov

It almost six months that jase lived in my house when i go to work and sometimes comes home late at night mostly found him sleep on sofa basically waiting for me . He clean the house and cook food for me . He also took online classes to complete his schooling . He also send me the lunch with flowers sometimes. We just have time to talk to each other during breakfast . He never eat the dinner without me no matter how many i texted him that i will come late at night . There were gossips about me and jase . Of course i have to answer even about my personal life. They will not ignore the fact that mr . Chris who were never found with girls but we found him in the shopping mall holding hands of a guy . It seem that a guy with mr.chris is crossdresser gay and club dancer . I heard this on tv channels . There were also articles on social website about us. I am not nervous but of course i have to made public announcement through my press conference . Now its show time to face my father i sighed and picked his phone call.he did n't wait to say hell.

He shouted in angery tune .

" son explain this to me are you serioulsy in a relationship ? with that feminine looking boy , i am not letting you do this , you are my son , you can't destroy your life by having gay boyfriend ."

" yes the news is true i do love him and i want to spend rest of my life with him , bear it dad i am not going to " you know what i am very disappointed to hear , to add more to my dismay he is a some lower club dancer and crossdresser , you don't even know how many times he got fucked up by the dudes at clubs . He is not in love with you my son its just the fame and money you have and he needs it ."

"Sorry to say my slefish father everyone is not like you and if you say one more word against him i will forget that you are my father ."

" are you threatening me now son ."

" Yes i am father "

He disconnect the call , i have a meeting too and both friends came in my office .

" you know we are your closest friends still we know nothing about you its sad to know about your live life through news .

anyways is it true , that's why you are so busy that you never meet us and show your face even once in month "

" you know what fuck you , you so of bitch "

Before i could answer them there was knock in my office door .

"Sir this is your lunch sir jase cook for you " and he handed me this too.

A beautiful fresh red roses .

Smith " Aww so cute what a cute wife i wish i could have wife like you too "

then liam said ," actually i am sorry about that trouble which i made

Can you forgive me please . I did n't know about your relationship at that time , did he forgive you ."

He made puppy eyes , i know he never take anything serious in his life always keep fucking around .

" ok fine i forgive you "

They both hugged me and

They eat my lunch without asking my permission .i sit there just like a idiot food smell so good that it made my stomach growl One is chicken spicy pasta and other one is lobsters .

" wow its so tasty , you are very lucky man " smith said .

Jacob said ,

" so how is your relationship with him did you have sex yet ."

His crossdresser loverWhere stories live. Discover now