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Sometime after Chapter 11

Dearest Anna,

I'm sorry that I had to leave Ylisstol to you; Flavia's letter about Risen sightings in Ferox was quite urgent and unexpected, after all. If she's writing to me about needing aid, then you know something is definitely wrong. But, I trust my Halidom to you for the time being. I shouldn't be gone for more than two weeks.

I would have taken you with me had we had more time to prepare, but I need eyes and ears back home that I trust. As my advisor and fiancée, I trust no one more than you. Hopefully the courts won't give you too much trouble. If they do, I give you permission to pull a sword on them.

We've been on the road for two days and I already miss you incredibly. The winter chills are much colder without you, and I can only dread what the snows of Ferox will feel like. Stahl and Cordelia seem to be getting along well. They truly deserve each other. Seeing Gregor and Nowi makes me really jealous. Then again, all married couples make me jealous. Libra and I have officially created the Singles' Allegiance, despite me not actually being single. I can't wait until I am able to call you my wife.

I'm writing again after three days and we're almost at the Longfort. We would have been there already if not for the sudden blizzard, but what can we do? Had you been with us, we would have been there already. I miss your smile. I miss your hugs. I really want a hug.

Anyway, I'm running low on paper and ink. If this letter finds you, then I'll be safe in Ferox. If not, well, send out a search party. I hope to write to you again soon.

Sending all of my love,


P.S. Flavia says hello

Dearest Chrom,

I am glad to hear you are safe and sound. I miss you as well. It's so strange to wake up knowing I can't see you. Even your somber coronation portrait can't satisfy my needs of seeing your beautiful face. Running drills with the Shepherds feels weird without you there. Frederick and I are trying our best, but it's not the same.

Lissa has been a huge help as of late. By the way, she's currently telling me to tell you to bug Lon'qu to write her. Anyway, some of the nobles have been pretty stuffy around me as of late (I'm starting to take your sword idea seriously) but if she's around, they tend to lighten up. If I really need them to heel, I just have Sully take care of it.

Your sister has actually been instrumental in helping me plan our wedding. She and Maribelle just took me to get my wedding dress tailored. It took a few hours, but I finally found a design that I actually enjoyed (if I'm being honest, the only reason I chose it is because I can wear my boots with it. I love you, but I refuse to wear heels for you).

I miss having you around. You're really what gets me through my day. I look forward to seeing you again soon. I hope you and Flavia take care of the Risen soon so I can hold you. I'm not kidding when I say I'm freezing cold without you around. You're an actual furnace, let me tell you. I can't wait until we're married, then we can cuddle during the winter without having to worry about anyone seeing us.

I hope to hear from you soon,


My lovely Anna,

It seems like I'll be in Ferox for longer than I anticipated. I expect to be home closer to the end of the month. I know, it stinks, but I must do what I can. Besides, it's nice to see Flavia and Basilio once more.

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