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Sometime after the Rite. Anna

"What exactly are you looking for?" Chrom asked me as we ventured through the Shopping District. Wolves bustled all around us, like usual. In the few times I've been here, the energy has never ceased to invigorate me. At first, the feeling was bittersweet as I knew I had limited time to enjoy what the shops and bazaars had to offer; however, now that I was Luna, this place only made Ylisse feel more like home.

"Books," I replied. Our arms were linked as he helped me navigate the area, the streets still new to me.

The prince gave me a flat look. "I heard through the grapevine that you can get those at bookstores."

"Oh ho! Look at you, using Human phrases!" The first time I said that phrase to him, he was filled with endless confusion. The Luna apparently don't use that one. Or know what grapes are.  "And yes, I am aware of their location. That's why you're here to take me to the bookstore."

Chrom hummed, taking a more direct path to our location. He smiled as people brushed pass and greeted their prince. In the Human world, royalty walking around in the open would call for a complete stop in normal life; there would need to be guards, scouts, entourages, and so much more just so someone could take a stroll. However, that wasn't the case with Luna royalty. If Chrom or Lissa wanted to go to a local cafe, they could. Go to a public training ring? More power to them. Needed to help their newly transformed friend find their way around the city? Boom: easy as that.

Soon enough, we reached our destination. Sumia and Cordelia have brought me here a few times, but I've never actually purchased anything. I've always loved the atmosphere of libraries and bookstores; they were always so quiet. I remembered that I would always go to the library whenever Father said something to piss me off (which was honestly everyday). The kind old priestess who worked there just had to take one look at me and the next thing I knew, I was sitting by the fire with a cup of tea as I spoke of my woes to her.

I wonder if she misses me...

I browsed shelf after shelf of books, the smell of fresh ink and worn paper filling my senses -- they were much more enjoyable now that I had the senses of a wolf.

"Er, care to tell me what book we're looking for?" Chrom asked, opening a random book and immediately putting it back, blush dusting his cheeks. I could only imagine what his poor eyes were shown.

I chuckled, leading him out of the romance section. "Recipe books!"



Once I found the section I was looking for, I began flipping through each book, eyeing the recipes they held. Some were foods I recognized and knew how to make already, but some were completely different.

Chrom leaned on a shelf, watching me browse. "I didn't realize you liked cooking."

"And baking," I added. "As a Human woman, it was expected of us to learn at a young age so that we could cook for our husbands." I gagged internally. "However, I quite like the activity, so it worked out in the end. I have a bunch of recies saved in my mind vault, but I left many of my books and recipes back in my old home and I obviously can't get them back."

"Hence the stack of books you are currently balancing."

"Exactly!" I handed a stack off to the prince. "Now, c'mon and help me browse these!"

My best friend rolled his eyes, taking the books. "As you wish."


"Phew! That took longer than expected," I sighed, dropping my canvas bag full of books on my counter.

"I'll say," Chrom chuckled, noting the purple twilight peeking through the windows. "How in Naga's name are you going to be able to make all of these in your lifetime?"

I began taking out the books sorting them my category into an empty cupboard. "You'd be surprised, my friend. You'll eat those world the second you try one of my dishes."

"I'm sure I will." He smiled, sitting down on a stool across from me.

I admired my handiwork, leaning back on the island table. "That should do it," I said. "You know, I haven't actually baked something in months. Maybe I'll make my signature baked good tomorrow."

"And I'm guessing you'd like me to join you on the excursion to find the ingredients?"

"Of course!" I giggled. "But it'll be worth it; my chocolate chip cookies are the best."

Chrom narrowed his eyes at me, brows quirking. "Chocolate chip cookies...? You're joking, right?"

I gave a confused look to the prince. "What are you talking about? What's so wrong with chocolate chip cookies? They're the best comfort food in the entire world!"

"They're also poisonous."

What in Naga's name did he just say?

Chrom took in my shock. "Anna, chocolate is extremely poisonous."

My heart stopped. "B-b-but chocolate is so good...?"

He shrugged. "Maybe to Humans, but Luna can't have it."

"So you're saying you can't eat chocolate - the only thing in this world that makes life worth living - but you can ingest raw meat, including small amounts of raw chicken?"

"Yes, I thought you - hey, where are you going?"

I was draping my cloak over my shoulders, making my way towards the door. "I'm going to talk to Emmeryn about reversing my transformation."

Chrom gaped at me, mouth closing and opening like a fish. "You're joking, right?"

I frowned. "Freedom may be sweet, but not at the price of chocolate."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"Thank you so much for everything, Chrom. I enjoyed our time together."

"Anna, please."

"I will forever cherish our memories."


I just recently realized that the Luna probably can't have chocolate. If wolves are anything like dogs, this holds true. I also came to think that they probably don't have grapes (yes, that also includes wine, Palla) since those are poisonous as well. Hurray for consistency. Had Anna known chocolate would be cut from her diet, she never would have gone through with the Rite. Freedom vs. Chocolate. Hmmmm. I dunno, guys. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: December 25th - "Eggnog"

Link: https://youtu.be/UcMHOQAwANw

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