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Sometime after Chapter 11. Anna

I exhaled a hearty breath, dutifully scribbling notes on a piece of parchment. The hearth in my room glowed a faint red, asking for more kindling. I would normally let it die down when I went to bed but due to the December chill, I kept it going for a bit longer (or until I fell asleep, anyway). I looked out the window, noting the midnight black sky and fluffy white snow.

It's getting pretty late, I should turn in soon... After this stack of reports are done, of course.

Since my fiancé was out on the town with a few of the Shepherds, he couldn't hound me and make me go to bed like he normally did. I was finally able to pull an all-nighter without interruption. However, it was getting quite late, I found it a bit concerning that my friends haven't returned. I should have heard the rowdy voices, like, an hour ago as they stumbled into their rooms, but no; everything was eerily quiet.

I should count this as a blessing, but knowing the Shepherds, something must be wrong.

How much trouble could they get into? They're going to a tavern for some holiday spirits and nothing more. They aren't planning on getting blackout drunk, I would hope. The reason I chose to stay behind was precisely for that reason: I didn't like drinking. Sure, I've had alcohol before, but it wasn't that much of an acquired taste for me. I also got violent migraines whenever I drank, so that's definitely a defferer.

Finally, I heard the chaotic voices of the Shepherds as the broke into the Barracks. Sounds about right. There were unfinished - and loud - conversations going on, cacophonous laughter, and a concerning amount of crashes. I sure hoped no damage was done to anything.

After the noise settled down, there was a knock on my door. I sighed, sauntering over to answer. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a grinning Sully with a disheveled Chrom slung around her shoulders. "Heyyyyyyyy, Anna..." The cavalier smirked.

My gaze flicked between her and my fiance. "...What happened to him?" Do I even want to know?

Chrom woke up from his daze with a start, stormy-blue eyes hazy and refusing to focus. "Anna'sere?" he slurred, resting his weight on Sully.

"...Is he drunk?"



The blue-haired man chuckled. "S'pretty lady's maaaad..."

Sully hoisted him up. "His Kingliness his a major lightweight." She shrugged. "After three cups of eggnog, he was out."

"Eghnog tastes good," he hiccuped.

"Annnnd that was his downfall," Sully hummed. "Dumbass didn't realize that there was rum in the nog and drank a crap ton."

I rubbed my temples. "It was a tavern. How do you not make the presumption that there's alcohol in a typically alcoholic drink?!"

"I lik cimanon and miiiiilk."

"What he lacks in common sense, he makes up for in good looks," Sully said, practically throwing my fiancé into my arms. "Well, he's your problem, now!"

Chrom clung to me like there was no tomorrow, nuzzling his face into my neck. "Pretty lady's warm..."

My whole body heated, eyes going wide. "What?! No!" I shrieked, biting my lip when I saw my love wincing. Dammit all.

"He's yours! Take care of him!" Sully gave me no time to argue as she slammed my door shut, the sounds of her boots sprinting on the cobblestone floors fading away.

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