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Modern Witchcraft AU. Chrom

I awoke with a start, my steady sleep disrupted by God knows what. I screwed my eyes shut, muttering an incantation to help me find sleep. Nothing happened. The Lowell family may be the most well-known and powerful Light Mages in the country, but that power didn't transfer to every member. Honestly, I didn't even know why I still tried.

My "powers" were much more useful in other ways, such as helping my sisters run the business and honestly just having a way of dealing with people. I might not be able to cast fancy spells or heal others with words, but I could lead and shmooze as my life depended on it; as much as it called for in my small town, anyway.

I rolled over so that I was facing my nightstand, picking up my phone and wincing at the bright screen. It took a minute or two for my eyes to adjust, and I groaned as I saw the time. 2:36 AM. Of course, of course, my body had to wake me up at such an ungodly time.

I glanced out the window and at the twinkling starlight. Looking at the night sky always calmed me down. Always. It reminded me of the times Mother would take me out to chart the stars during restless nights, each constellation mapped in my brain.

God, how I missed those times.

Red and green lights peeked through the starlight, Christmas decorations still abound despite the holiday ending days ago; however, I found their presence comforting, so I couldn't complain too much. My head roared in pain at the sudden sensory overload, fuzzing my vision.

In times like these, I really wished I had the same healing powers as my sisters.

The pain turned into a dull throb as I stared, eyes looking for...I dunno, something. Then, it finally hit me: snowflakes.

Chunks of freshly fallen snow began to build on my windowsill, even more beginning to fall to the ground. "Damn, finally!" I stumbled out of bed, blundering around to find my winter coat, boots, and the magical jar I was given specifically for this purpose.


The bell to the quaint magic shop rung as I opened the door, closing it with a soft thud. Immediately, the part of my brain that could process magic clicked into place. It hummed, pleased by the harmless spells and energy contained in some of the objects within. The whole store had a dark but homey vibe, the floors deep brown mahogany and the walls decorated with dark purple paint. The only light sources came from candles, glowing potions and crystals, and fairy lights. Every single surface was covered, leaving hardly any room to even walk. Potted plants were scattered about, each one growing a different type of herb or flower -- there was a large amount of holly and other festive plants strung about. The shelves were stocked full of herb bundles, crystals, and books of varying contents. Towards the back of the room and behind the register counter shelved rows upon rows of potions, a cauldron and workstation located close by. Behind the said counter was on opening covered by navy-blue curtains that I knew led to some stairs.

"I'll be down to assist you in a moment!" A feminine voice called from upstairs.

I huffed a laugh, removing my coat and hanging it up on the coatrack. As I did that, an annoyed who sounded above me. Perched atop the wooden rack was a snowy-white owl familiar, its icy-blue eyes piercing into my soul.

"Sorry, Lovis, but if you didn't want to be awoken, you shouldn't have nested on an object people use!" I chuckled, reaching up to scratch her head. The familiar growled in discontent, leaning into my hand anyway.

"How can I - oh! Chrom!" Anna's voice pulled me away from Lovis - much to her annoyance. My friend looked like she had just woken up - which could've been true, but the after-effects of casting may have taken hold of her - but was as spry as could be. She was dressed in her signature purple robe and her hair was pulled back into a braided ponytail. Adorning the top of her head was a feather headpiece; the feathers came from ravens and bluejays and they cradled the left side of her face perfectly.

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