All I Want...

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22nd of the Horsebow Moon, Year 1180. Byleth (Golden Deer)

A warm breeze blew by, gently rustling my hair and causing a few strands to fly in front of my face. I sighed, lifting my right hand off of my wooden fishing rod and tucking the indigo strands back in place. I should really invest in a headband or something. Autumn winds are quite troublesome, after all.

Something tugged on the line, the bobber lightly dipping under the water. I stood up, the stool I was sitting on scuffing against the dock. I watched with deep anticipation and waited for my moment to strike. Soon enough, the bobber dove, my rod lurching forward as a dastardly fish tried to get away. I reeled back, fighting against the fish's force. Within seconds, I had a grip on the line and pulled back, the fish flying out of the water.

I brought my prize close, disappointment filling me at the sight of a small, white trout. "You're pretty small for a fish that put up much of a fight," I sighed, removing the hook from its lip and throwing it back into the water. I eyed my steadily growing bucket of fish as I sat back down, unconsciously putting another worm on the hook.

The pond was calm today, much to my delight. During the summer, the students and faculty crowded this area. Now that fall has arrived and the air grew chillier, the population of the fishing pond decreased. Now that Flayn was found and enrolled in my class, I could finally enjoy a calm afternoon of fishing; the only disturbances being students going in and out of the greenhouse, and the faint rustle of noises from the dining hall.

However, my peace was cut short as I noticed the position of the sun in the sky. Damn. It's two quarters down. That means...




"Hello, Claude," I greeted my student, not even bothering to turn around.

"I'm not even on the dock, yet!" he complained. Soon enough, the sound of his boots echoed on the wooden dock. He pulled a spare stool next to me and sat down, resting his chin on his hands. "You're pretty good at sensing presences, Teach. I would expect nothing less from the Sword of the Creator's chosen warrior." He eyed the sword at my side with what I would only describe as hunger.

I rolled my eyes. "Flattery won't get you anywhere, Claude. We've been over this: No touching my sword. You've seen what can happen to those who aren't able to wield Relics," I reminded him.

"I know, I know: I don't want to become a beast, yada yada yada..." He babbled. "I've learned my lesson, Teach. Scout's honor."

It's been two months since I got this thing... It still feels like yesterday... Claude was pretty persistent those first few days, demanding explanations and trying to get his hands on my new Relic. However, I took zero crap from no one, not even future leaders of major nations. I put my foot down and commanded that he stopped questioning me (also, making him sit through a single church service was enough to keep him at bay). Since then, he's been much better about handling the situation; he was still curious and sometimes needy, but that's just Claude, I guess.

I huffed a laugh, turning my focus onto the pond. "You're also incredibly punctual. You come and visit me at this exact time most days," I said. "For such a clever deer, you're quite predictable."

His tan cheeks flushed at the use of that nickname. "Duly noted, Teach. I'll be sure to mix up my schedule." He eyed the pail of fish at my side. "That's quite a haul. Any special occasion going on?"

I shrugged. "Fish is plentiful this time of year. Might as well take advantage of it," I replied. "Plus, I think Flayn would enjoy a feast of her favorite food."

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