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Brooklyn, New York January 23 1992

It was a Friday night and the alcohol flowing freely with the weather as perfect as it could be despite it being the middle of winter. It was just after midnight, making it officially my birthday and I was celebrating my 27th year at one of the rock clubs called L'Amour. I had made a few friends since settling here for the time being, renting a tiny one bedroom apartment just a few blocks from here, which was really more like a bachelor apartment since it's all I can afford right now.

The guy that was sitting next to me, who I think he said his name was Ryan, seemed to have about ten hands because they were constantly trying to touch me, despite my meager attempts to stop him, though I really didn't want him to stop, I just didn't want him to think I was too easy. He was amazingly hot, tall, covered in tattoos with a big chest and biceps that you could pretty much bounce a rock off of them, his hair long and dark, his eyes blue, and he wore a Pantera band shirt that seemed two sizes too small just so that he could show off that chest and arms of his.

He was definitely intimidating, and well versed in flirting, knowing all the right things to say to get me going as I carried on drinking shots of Jack Daniels.

"So darlin', feel like maybe heading somewhere else?" He flirts, brushing my curls off my shoulder, leaning into my ear and sliding his big hand up my bare thigh. I swear he could probably swallow me whole with those hands.

"Um, I don't know yet... I'm kinda having a good time here," I say sweetly.

"If you leave with me, I could show you an even better time," He teases, sliding his hand further up my thigh as he moves to place his lips to that spot just under my ear, but instead I place my hands on his chest, pushing him away.

I was horny as all hell but I wanted to get as drunk as I could get first. I ordered another two shots and downed them as quickly as I could while Ryan sips his beer, his eyes never leaving me, looking like he was about to eat me up right on the spot.

"You sure know how to sip that whiskey... but I think you might like sipping on something else more," He teases again leaning into me. I swear to god I could feel that tingling sensation going straight to my core at the thought of a man having his way with me. It's been months since I've been touched, let alone kissed but the drunker I started to become, I wasn't so sure I wanted to leave with Ryan anymore.

"I uh, just need to use the ladies room," I say sweetly. I honestly just needed a minute away from him but I also really needed to empty my bladder. I swiftly hop off the bar stool, flipping my dark curls out of my face as Ryan eyes flick over my body, watching me walk to the ladies room.

Once I emptied my bladder, instantly I could feel myself become more drunk than I was just a few minutes ago. I staggered just a little to the mirror to check myself, making sure my curls looked alright, straightening out my Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality tank top that I made, showing my cleavage in the most perfect way and adjusting my ripped denim mini skirt. I stayed in the bathroom for a little while longer to give myself a little more time before trying to sneak away from Ryan and just heading home.

I didn't really want to go home but I wasn't sure how to lose Ryan and still carry on with my drinking.

As I walk out of the bathroom and head down the long dark corridor, I see Ryan approaching me and he stops me dead in my tracks.

"I was wonderin' when you were gonna come outta there," He smiles as he grabs my hips and presses me against him.

"Yea, sorry I just really had to go," I say placing my hands on his chest, feeling just how toned he was under my touch.

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