Chapter 12

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Larouge's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. I tried going to sleep but just thinking about my current situation I couldn't do anything about it.

I was chained up. I was really uncomfortable lying on the cold hard floor without a pillow. It's the same as every night really, but around this time I was usually sexually harassed by Lane or the security guards.

I guess everyone was asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I was scared.

I was more than just scared. I was terrified. But the children have it worse. Some were no older than eight years old.

The fact that anyone could actually do this is sickening. I was a prisoner too, but at least I was usually treated with the same respect as the others.

I miss Carlisle. He was a ray of hope, a fire that could never be put out. Just like Ryou, his adopted son.

I knew of their special group, the Fallen Angels.

It's very touching how they think they actually had a chance of survival. I try to help and sympathise with my students to keep their hopes alive and a reason to live.

Sadly there isn't much they can do, they're still completely powerless, the only thing they have is the idea that they could escape.

That is, until Paich Nikadi came.

He managed to do what no one else could, take a stand against his oppressors. Unlike the others I wasn't an idiot. I knew of his killing spree. The others knew that something was going on, however they thought nothing of it, and that it would stop soon.

It was my job to secretly find out what's going on.

I saw the tape of the...gruesome death of Walter, the cook. When I saw that tape I almost couldn't believe what I saw.

During my time here I have seen many messed up things, but I will never be able to unsee what I saw on that tape.

Although I couldn't help but admire his determination. However I don't understand why he kills the patient's as well. But since he is the only one that can save us I'm not going to stop him.

Ever since that tape I was secretly aiding him. I took all his equipment and stored it in my room for safekeeping, and I left him a note letting him know.

I'm also now in charge of security, so I pretend to be asleep so Paich assumes that I don't know of his presence. I also make sure to destroy all the tapes each day.

I know my plan wasn't going to last forever, but I won't be long before we are all saved.

I will be the one to kill Lane. I want to see him die. Once he's dead, all the security guards will be murdered as well.

But I have to leave this place, and save all the other children if possible.

I used to be a world famous singer, Scarlet Aberdine.

However my career slowly went downhill. Eventually I was out of the business, because they found a new singer in my place.

I was left homeless, starving, and without shelter. Since I had no family or friends I had no place to go. However one day my life changed for the better.

The rain was pouring onto the ground with all its might. I was incredibly weak from hunger.

It was at that point that I almost lost the will to live. Why? Why am I still here? I have nothing left to live for.

But how am I still standing? Why am I not dead yet? I was dead yet alive at the same time.

I've been going through this hell for five years, ever since I was nineteen.

I found a road in front of me, and I had an idea.

I stood in the middle of the road, waiting for a car to hit me.

It was just then that a car was heading right towards me. This was it. The end.

I shed a small tear as it was getting closer...


It stopped. It didn't hit me.

A man walked out the car, he had a shocked expression on his face. He looked like he was in his twenties.

"What are you doing? You almost got yourself killed."

"I...I know...I."

I started sobbing. The man looked very confused.

"Come on now, everything's fine." he told me, obviously trying to comfort me.

He examined me for a while.

"Wait, that red hair and French accent, are you Scarlet Aberdine?"

I nodded, trying not to cry.

"I love your music! I'm a huge fan!"

He was starting to act like a small child who has just received his first birthday gift.

"But wait...what happened? Why are you acting like this? You almost killed yourself back there."


He looked confused for a minute, but then he smiled and held out his hand.
"Then why don't you come with me?"

"Me...come with you?"

"Yeah...I have a small house we can stay in. Don't worry, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything like that."

I didn't know what to do. I barely know this person, so why should going with him?

But if didn't go with him, then where else can I go?

And then I made my decision. I took his offer.

And that man was Carlisle.

It was that day that my life changed for the better. He give me food, a roof over my head, and true happiness.

A few years later Carlisle adopted Ryou Ortega, and I helped take care of him. Me and Carlisle weren't actually an official couple, but the bond we both shared was unbreakable.

Everything was perfect.

Until the day he was killed. We never really know who did it, however I am pretty sure that it was Lane.

After his death he inherited all his belongings. Including Angel Falls mental asylum, which Carlisle was in charge of. I worked there along with Carlisle. He changed it for the worse. It's now nothing more the a prison. Ever since Carlisle's death, people have been making rumours that they use the patients as sex slaves and that they torture them.

However those rumours were just myths, nobody believed them.

But it's true, it's happening right now.

I will avenge Carlisle's death. I have to repay my debt to him.

I have to kill Lane, and free the children, and with Paich's help, I will be able to do just that.

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