Chapter 1

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Paich's POV:

I loved my playroom. It was my world, my everything, and no one elses.

It was filled with all the toys that any kid could ever want. There were lego blocks, toy battlefields, a gigantic racing track, a huge dollhouse, at least twenty different house of cards that I built myself, some dominoes, and a giant teddy bear that I've had since I was six, and much more. I never left, not even to go to the bathroom, since the playroom had it's own small bathroom. I've lived in an orphanage ever since my parents died. Everyone else played outside, but I'm not like that. I'm not normal. My name was Paich Nikadi. The orphanage owner, Raul Lester, noticed my odd behavior and had me tested. I was diagnosed as insane. Some psychologists continued testing me, but they 'accidently' got severely injured.

You see, I enjoy hurting things and people while watching them suffer, regardless of who they were. I sometimes break my toys or even hurt myself just for amusement. And I could really hurt someone if I wanted to. In fact, I am an expert of torturing people. I was home-schooled by Raul every weekday, but I don't care about some lesson, since I have no desire to see the outside.

Despite me being 18 years of age, I look like a seven year old kid, and that's because I was born very premature. I also had very long, very messy silvery hair that fell to my knees, and that was because I never brushed or cut it. My eyes were light and grey and they displayed no sign of emotion or hope whatsoever. I was practically a vampire, since I hated sunlight, I was as pale as a ghost, and I liked the taste of blood. I was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling, covered in stars and a moon with a smiley face that I painted myself, I was never really and artist.

Another advantage of living my lifestyle is that there is no unnecessary inconvience from the outside world, and you never have to grow up. You can just remain a little kid forever, and do whatever you want, with no-one telling you what to do. They seem to foolishly believe that you are inferior and that you must obey them, when in reality they are nothing more than stupid-heads.

No-one ever visited me, except for Raul, to give me more toys to play with. He always tried to get me leave the playroom and socalize with the other kids, but all attempts ended in failure. As for the children, they never even knew I existed, except for one. He accidently stumbled into my playroom, and the day he did my life changed forever.

I was playing with some darts that Raul recently brought for me. Bullseye, I thought to myself as once again I hit the middle. Then the door covered in green splashes of paint was opening. I thought he giving me more toys like always, but instead, an actual boy was standing before me. He had beautiful blue eyes that sparkled and had a child-like innocence about them, the polar opposite to mine. He had shaggy purple hair, a light-green hoodie, some sky blue shorts, and holding a backpack with a cat face that said Hello Kitty. His face was simply adorable and filled with anticipation. He was the first real boy I had ever seen. Raul showed me pictures of different kinds of boys and girls, but to actually see one was phenomenal. This one seemed different from the others, but I liked it. My heart instantly started accelerating. At first I thought I was dying, but I was alive, and the feeling was so good. Is this what people call...'love'?, I thought to myself, as I found myself gawking at him. I never felt love before so it felt really weird, as if I was sick. It was a completely new sensation.

Raul always told me that sometimes a man and a women develop a special bond towards one another, and that is what love is. But here it was different, we were both boys. I didn't understand, maybe he was a girl? Raul said I was a boy, but, maybe he got it wrong? I just don't understand...

"Um...hi." The cute boy said awkwardly as he looked around my playroom. 'Wow, is this room yours? Are you new here?'

''I've lived here since I was four.''was my reply. I don't think my brain was properly functioning, the only thing I could process was that I wanted him more than any other toy robot I could ever want. He obviously noticed, because his super cute smile turned into a look of concern.

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