Chapter 17

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Caleb's POV

It's been about two days since the death of El Diablo. It won't be long before every single one of us dies. Lane has been completely paranoid, because they know they are targeting him. He doesn't know who the killer is, but thanks to the incident he believes that Paich and Larouge are innocent. Which means everything is going according to plan.

However there was yet another problem we have to endure.

Ever since Lane stated that every single person here would die, including the security guards, he killed the two security guards who were there the next day, so that they couldn't tell anyone.

One of them actually managed to tell me what Lane was planning right before his death. He said he we would kill all of us and then he would find a new place to take control of. He has the money and power to do it.

I didn't want to tell the other security guards about what he was doing. If  did then he would find out and we would all suffer. Lane hasn't been himself recently, he has heavily increased his security, yet by doing so there are barely any security guards in any other location. He has become really paranoid, since he knows there is a killer on the loose.

Larouge had to be hospitalised, but they barely did anything to help her, and she's still in huge amounts of pain. Not only that but she still has to complete her duties, despite her injuries.

Also since she can't take care of the items that were hidden from Lane, the knife, the key and the lighter, they are currently remaining hidden in Paich's dressing table.

The patients of Sector B have been behaving perfectly, as usual. There's not even any need to put them in cages. Their minds are so broken that they believe that Lane is their god, and they'll willingly do anything he says, without questions.

The people who rebelled against them were murdered or sacrificed. When the security guards enter they don't fight back, they believe that we are his disciples or something.

I feel really sorry for them, but there's nothing anyone can do about it.

We still check on them to see what's going on. I've been trying to comfort the newcomers, because some are chained up.

I was actually walking towards Sector B now, they've chosen their new sacrifice.

I finally reached the steel door, which was never locked. It didn't need to be. I opened it, taking a good look at the place.

It resembled the inside of an ancient temple, and the hallways were heavily illuminated by candles. I looked in disgust at the display of severed heads on one of the hallways. It also had a huge display of weapons, most of them covered in blood, and a few of them were missing.

A boy, no older than seventeen years old, walked towards me. His face was incredibly dirty, his clothes torn. He was very tall, about as tall as me, and he had dirty blond hair. He had black circles around his eyes. I also noticed that he had the Angel Falls symbol carved into his arm.

He was the 'leader' of Sector B, Terumi, and he was one of the first people to be sent here. He chooses who is sacrificed, and he basically controls everything.

He has lost all sanity, and while he values his allies, anyone that goes against him is imprisoned.

Behind him were at least seven other patients, all of them as dirty as Terumi was.

They all bowed down as they saw me, knowing that I was a security guard working for Lane.

"Welcome, messenger of God, what brings you to our holy domain?" he greeted.

"I'm here to see the next sacrifice."

"Very well, messanger of God. Come right this way."

I continued walking, with Terumi showing me the way, the others going in different directions. Eventually we reached a door, and before we could enter, another boy, who was about fifteen years old, and had long, black curly hair done in a ponytail. His clothes were also torn. He was Terumi's best friend, Jason Brett. He had a knife in his hand, which was covered in blood.

"How is the sacrifice? Has his behaviour improved?" Terumi asked.

"Yes, he has finally calmed down, he is no longer fighting back." Jason replied.

He then glanced at me, and he looked very suspicious.

"Terumi, who is this person?" he asked, with a hint of panic in his voice. I was very nervous when he held his knife towards me, since I wasn't armed. "Were you sent by God?"

"Put the knife down Jason, he is one of his messengers."

Jason then lowered his knife, looking disappointed.

They then both left, but not before Jason muttered, "Consider yourself lucky," under his breath.

Slightly worried after that threat, and I opened the door to see who the sacrifice was.

His hair was messy and brown, and there were cuts on his arms, most likely from that knife that Jason was holding. I couldn't properly see his face since he was staring at the ground, sulking, but I still knew who it was.

It was Jaden Solomon.

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