Back To The Begining

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"What did you say?!" Adam got up and glared at Lawrence, he looks almost murderous.

"Who?! Lawrence who is it?!"

"Well it's not someone I know personally, just someone of know of."

"Jesus Christ- Tell us! Who is it?!?!"

He sighed, "Last I heard, they hadn't caught him. The only reason I know that is because...I was a suspect." Wait, What?!

"I'll start from the beginning."

Larry told us about the JIGSAW killer...The guy.  who tried to kill Amanda. He told us of 2 victims, Paul- A 46 year old male who was a victim of self harm, he had to crawl through a tunnel of razor wire towards the exit, he was given 2 hours (until the door slammed and locked forever)- "The press started calling him 'the JIGSAW Killer'. Technically speaking, he never killed anyone. He finds ways for his victims to kill themselves." BULLSHIT!

Then there was Michael, apparently he faked an illness to gain sympathy from others. A flammable substances was smeared all over his body, in a dark room with only a small wax candle- there was glass on the floor and he had a slow-acting poison in his veins. Numbers were surrounding him on the walls, he had to find the correct combination to get the antidote out of the safe. He must've dropped the candle, because he caught alight.

Both of the victims had puzzle pieces cut out of them, they both had tapes and they did something to not 'appreciate' their so-called lives. There was a peephole at both crime scenes, but only at Michael's, they found some evidence; Larry's penlight.

Homicide showed up at his work, they asked him of his whereabouts at the time of the 'murders'.  They took him down to the station and gave him his alibi.

"That was 5 months ago. They tried to set me up for murder!"

The cops told him to stay and watch one of the survivors testimonies. She was the one of two who survived, one had come forward a few days prior, but they gave no name. I know it was Amanda, I had to find out about my sister's attempted murder through the news- Fuck!!!

"Her name was Tessa Nathans-" Tessa Nathans- Oh fucking no!
"Wait! Tessa Nathans?!?!"
"You know her?!?!"
"I think so- What did she look like?!"
" I can't remember-"
"Just try to remember Lawrence for fuck sake!!!"
"Y/N it's probably not even her-"
"Shut up Adam!!"
"She had long black hair, her skin was tan, she had scars on her face that looked covered up with makeup and she had brown eyes- She was quite tall for a girl. Why?"
I lean against the wall, my hands pressed against my face- Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she tell me?!?!

Tessa's POV:
This is the police station. This is the police station that I came to when the car accident happened, where I was taken when my parents didn't feed me due to neglect, where I first met my abusive foster parents. This is where all the bad stuff happens, I'm supposed to trust this place....But I can't.
Matt found me on the side of the road after it happened. After I was taken and tortured by him. I was covered in blood and burns, I didn't care. I passed his little test, I survived but why do I still not care? They'll fade to scars, right? I'll forget? I still don't know why Matt dragged me here. He knows I hate this place, he should be a person I don't trust.

"Tessa, in your own time." I sighed, this is it.


((A/N- if the writing is is bold like this, it means that Tessa and Homicide is talking in the present of the 5 months before flashback, like Amanda and Tapp were in SAW. And if it's just normal writing it means that we're going back to her flashback of her trap -A flashback inside a flashback- Sorry if it doesn't make any sense!))

"I woke up...I couldn't move my arms and legs up. They were attached to...metal and wood- from what I could feel. All I could think about was the hot air burning my face."

My arms are numb, my head hurts.There's something in front of my face, where the fuck am I? My eyes pry open but instantly slam back shut. Shit, it burns! From what I saw the room was....dark. That's it.What the fuck is this?!
"Help! Someone help me! Matt?! HELP!!" I can feel the tears slip through my eyelids.

Light. A light blocks my eyes from completely shutting. I slightly turn my head and open my eyes, making the burning less severe. There's a tiny television with a creepy little puppet on it. Adam knows I don't like this shit, it's probably him! "ADAM!!!! LET ME OUT!!"

"The thing....started to talk."

"Hello Tessa,
You don't know me but....I know you.
I Wanna Play A Game. Your whole life has been torment, your parents were neglectful, causing a car accident when you were 5, they handed you over to the people who made it worse. PTSD is a terrible thing, but abuse is far worse. You could've broke out of it, instead you cut yourself, possibly burning your future away. Matt is the only you trust, is he not? Does he know about the incident when you were 12 years old? Does he know about you getting ran over by a drunk driver? You have dodged death several times, with the help from doctors. Now it's time to help yourself, Tessa. That burning feel is a hot iron, it has been heating up ever since you've arrived here. Push your face onto the cast iron, it will lift the blades piercing your skin, setting you free. You better hurry up, that shotgun above you could take it's shot at any given second.
Live or Die Tessa? Make your choice."

The question is; Do I want to live? I've dodged the bullet with death so many times. This could finally be the end.

"I sat there for ages, waiting for something to happen. Then I felt this strength inside of me, I WANTED TO LIVE."

I welded my eyes shut and pressed my face forward, waiting for contact. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! I can feel and even see the redness in my brain, a few of my self harm incidents was a freeze burn in the form of deodorant, I know what burning feels like. I work at a café, i've spilt hot tea on my arms before, I know what burning feels like.

The nails start detaching themselves. I can't take it anymore, i release. And they go back down.
"I had to go through it all again."
"What happened after you were free."
In the final seconds, I felt different, I didn't care about the pain anymore it was....Okay to me. I didn't care anymore.
The nails detach and the iron flips down, causing me to fall to my knees, off the chair.
I let out a scream, it still hurts, my face feels disfigured.
I hear wheels coming forward...I force myself to open my eyes. The same creepy puppet is riding a little trike. Tears are still spilling, my eyes widened, trying to keep them away from the burns around my eyes.

"Congratulations, you are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you....Not anymore..."

"You were raped by your teacher at 12 years old, isn't that right Tessie?"
I feel my anger boil inside of me, what's that got to do with it?! And my name is Tessa!

"I felt trapped, like when I was with him. But this time...I could break free.......I can forget....I can appreciate my life."

"Are you grateful, Tessa?"

"He...He helped me...."


"Bullshit he helped her! Why didn't she tell me?!?! SHIT!!!"

"We'll Survive" (Adam Stanheight x Reader) -SAW-Where stories live. Discover now