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(A/N- I met Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith and Costas Mandylor....I'm saying nothing else....😂❤️)

"Now that tape said to find an X, it has to be somewhere in his room-Help me find it" Lawrence said, not giving I contact, just looking around the room but I nodded anyway.

"How can you be the calm doctor guy when your wife and kid are there? He's got them too, he could be doing anything to them right now, are you thinking about that-" Adam stated, he always sounds so heartless.

"I AM thinking about that." Lawrence Interrupted, he looks so lost, it's like he's trying to hide his emotions(unlike me).

"I'm thinking about the last thing I said to my daughter."

Lawrence proceeded to tell us about the few hours before, about how Diana thought there was a man in her room and how he promised to read her a bedtime story the night after. Him and Alison had a fight, their marriage was on the rocks mostly because Lawrence wasn't there half the time and Ali felt insecure and abandoned.

The last time I saw Diana was when me and Tessa were babysitting her (me doing most of the work!) when she was 2 years old. We were 16.She looked so sad when I had to leave her, I didn't know it would be the last time I'd see her.

"Is her favourite book still the giving tree?"
He smiled, "yeah."

"Awe! I used to read that to her all the time when she was a baby!"

"You wanna see her?"
I nod frantically as he laughs, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. Thank fuck it's still there. He throws it over to me. I look through the wallet and look at the two pictures of Diana near the front and smile, "she's still my pretty girl,"
"Thank you, she still asks for you, you know. She somehow remembers you." That makes me smile, I wish I stuck around just for the Gordon's family's sake. I loved them.

I turn to Adam "you wanna see?" He nods a little and I throw him the wallet and he reaches for it almost lazily, his arm wrapped around the pipe as he looks at the photos also.
"She's beautiful..." he smiles slightly,
"Thank you."

"You gonna have anymore kids?"

"Yeah I hoped that, you did always say you wanted a boy."

"Well we've talked about it but with our schedules, it's difficult to concentrate on one. But the main question here is are you two gonna have any kids?" I freeze, my breathing getting a little bit heavier so I turn my head to stop them from seeing this.

"Jesus Christ Lawrence, we're only 21, going on 22!" Adam hushes, I can see his blush even if I'm not looking at him. I can feel my own heart sink.

"I was only asking, calm down."

Wanting to change the subject, Adam says something to break the ice;
"So where's the lucky wife?"

"There's a picture behind the one you're looking at- it's my favourite one. We're all in it together. Someone, usually me has to hold the camera so I'm always missing from the photos." I see Adam's eyes widen and his complexion go a little paler.
"It's uh...it's not here."
"This photo that you're talking about, it's not here..." Adam I know you're lying, what are you hiding?
"Really? Are you sure?" Lawrence sounds almost as confused as me but more upset than anything.

"Yeah, just give me a sec." Adam gets up but 'sneakily' tucks a 'hidden' picture behind him and throws Lawrence the wallet, which he frantically goes to grab, investigating for himself."
"H-he....He....he must've taken it."
I gave Adam a knowing look as he stares back at me, trying to cover up with his expressions that he doesn't know what I'm talking about. He should know by now that I watch his every move, I always know when he's up to something.
"X marks the spot, x marks the spot, we need to search this room again! Hey what are you doing over there?" Lawrence has caught onto the fact that Adam is staring down into the bathtub, looking at his hand.
"Excuse me?!"
"What? Just because I'm stuck in this room with you it doesn't mean I have to report to you every 10 seconds...I'll only do that with Y/N because I love her." He gives me a small smile as I roll my eyes at his words.

"....I really don't see the point in us not helping one and other."

"Well what do want me to do? I'm on a leash!"

"That's exactly why we need to talk, we need to think!"

"I AM thinking!" I let out a smirk but I try to hide it, he literally sounds like a child- Adam what the fuck are you hiding?!

"Well then don't keep us in the dark about what you're thinking!"

I see Adam's face turn Into an expression, an expression that means he's realised something.
"Turn off the lights." What?
"Turn them off, please!"
"Just turn them off for a second!"
"Adam what are you getting at?" My boyfriend turned to me and mouthed; 'trust me' and I nodded, of course I trust him.

Giving in and giving Adam a glare, Lawrence walked at reached to turn off the light switch.
Pitch black, I don't wanna remember waking up here,hearing Adam's terrified screams and shouts, not knowing a thing.

I can only see a glimpse of Adam and Lawrence because there's a tiny bit of light- wait...light?

"Jesus! Look behind you!" Making a swift turn, Lawrence looks at the wall behind him, there's a glowing image of an 'X'.
"How come we didn't see that before?"

"The lights in here hadn't charged it yet, it must be glow in the dark paint or something!"

"Well no shit." I grumbled, making sure they didn't hear me clearly.
Turning the lights on, Lawrence grabs for his hacksaw and starts wacking the wall with the bottom of it, making the tile break.
It looks like he sees something, he reaches through the wall and brings out a small box with a rusty looking lock on it.

This could be it, moment of truth. The key to our survival

(A/N- Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to my wonderful best friend TOescapistwriter who made the amazing new cover for this book -because the one I made didn't fit onto the scale and it sucked😅- Go and check out her SAW stories, they are truly amazing and detailed and are MILES better than his one!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye!🖤🔪))

"We'll Survive" (Adam Stanheight x Reader) -SAW-Where stories live. Discover now