Part 5

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I woke up to a hard backhand to my cheek. Unprepared, my head swung to the side slightly, which earned me another hit, to my other cheek this time. I turned my head to the side and spit a gob of blood onto the cold cement floor of my cell. "No flinching," the soldier standing above me hissed. 

I nodded numbly, staring straight into the distance. Hydra didn't like eye contact much, at least from me. "You have a new mission, soldier. This," he threw a manilla envelope at my feet, "is the Winter Soldier, Experiment 12B. James Buchanan Barnes was the pride of Hydra until he was brainwashed by the Americans and their idiotic SHEILD agents. He is beyond saving now. You will go to New York and kill him." I nodded again, waiting until the soldier was out of the room to pick up the file off of the floor. 

The file was in English, surprisingly. I spoke several languages fluently, and English was one of them, but it had been a while since I had heard anything but German and Russian. It was good practice for my mission. Inside the file was various information about the target. Where he lived (Avengers' newly remodeled facility in upstate New York), where he went (usually stayed in the compound unless with Steve Rogers or on a mission; which he usually went on one or two times a month), and other behavioral patterns he had exhibited over the last six months. I was to pose as a recruit for the Avengers to get close to them. I needed to know all of them well, not just Barnes because I needed to know how to get past them when the strike finally came. 

My existing powers as a super-soldier (enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, and stamina) would be a dead giveaway to Rogers and Barnes, so before I left, a team of scientists would be altering my genetic makeup to give me a different set of powers. Not only would this legitimize my claim as an Avengers candidate and keep the two existing super-soldiers in the dark, but it would also be an extra weapon to use against the target. I didn't know what my powers were going to be yet. I guess I'll find out when I report to the lab later today. I committed every bit of information in the file to memory, then stuck it in the wall slot to my right, where it was instantly incinerated. Now, I wait. 


It was three hours before they came to get me. The iron door swung open and a team of guards piled into my room, surrounding me. Two of them stepped forward and yanked me off of my cot, where I had been laying down. I stepped quickly into the ring of soldiers, keeping a quick pace. I learned from my mistakes, and the pain of two dislocated shoulders wasn't worth giving a fight for. 

I was led down to a lab in the basement of the compound, where I was unceremoniously shoved into a chair and strapped down, at the wrists, the ankles, and around my head. A scientist in a lab coat strutted around me, looking me over. "Hmm, what to do, what to do," he said. "Light refraction? Telepathy? So many choices." He peered over at me, his thick rectangular glasses magnifying dark, shrewlike eyes. "Oh!" He stood up straight, pointing at me. "I know just the thing! A mixture of teleportation," he strode over to a steel table next to my chair and picked up a purple vial, one of many lined up there, "and dimensional rifting." 

He looked over to the guards at the door of the lab while quickly grabbling a slightly murky white vial as well. "Are we wiping her right after the procedure? If so, I should probably give her the rundown on her powers after." One of the guards nodded. "Alright. Now I would say don't be worried," he leered down at me, "but this will be, well..." he grinned at me. "Excruciating."

 The next few hours were a blur. I remembered pain, hoarse screaming (in hindsight that was probably me), and thrashing around in the chair. After what seemed like forever, he looked at me. "Now, not only are you a super-soldier," he remarked, "You are my masterpiece. Serve Hydra well." 

Then the guards from the door came and threw me into a different chair. A strange metal apparatus lowered from the ceiling and clamped around my head. A rubber mouthguard was shoved in between my teeth. "Gently now," someone said. "We want her to forget just the procedure this time. She still needs to remember the target." With that, I heard an electric zapping sound, and intense pain drove its way into my brain, obliviating every thought into black.

Sorry for the late update! Doing a double to make up for it, so I hope that counts for something.

To Kat,

For the moments when it was you and me against the world.


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