Part 16

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Another four months passed without a sign of Hydra anywhere. I continued my training, throwing myself into it now more than ever. When they came for me, I had to be ready, increase my skillset so I could surprise them. I finally figured out how to use my powers separately without having to equalize them, which was a relief, since I figured I would be using my teleporting in combat a lot more than my rifting.

I started sparring with all the Avengers, one on one. They each had their challenges. Steve was extremely tactical, analyzing my every move and changing his standard strategy to combat me. Scott threw me off at first since he fought with his shrink suit, but eventually, I learned to track his moves while small. Sam and Rhodey both fought against me at the same time, since neither of them was superpowered but both were trained in the same way by the military. Natasha was an extremely difficult partner, always using her agility to spin and add momentum to her hits. If I was normal, she would have taken me down in two seconds flat, so I had to act like her ever-shifting fighting style was effective on me. I didn't fight Vision much since he had too many hacks to be a fair opponent, but his flying and laser beam helped me a lot in strength and agility training.

One morning, as I was readying for another day of training, FRIDAY's voice interrupted me. "Ms. Williams, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark wish for you to meet them in the hangar. They have instructed you to get into your combat gear."

"Thanks, FRIDAY. I'll meet them. Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes. This is your first real mission, Ms. Williams."

I got dressed in my combat uniform quicky. It was a tactical suit sort of like Natasha's, except with fewer clips and buckles, and white with electric blue accents. I had pistols and smoke bombs attached to my hips, and combat boots. I had to admit, I was thrilled to see what my training amounted to as an Avenger. All the missions I could remember from my past were filled with grim determination and stoic apathy to the horrors I had to commit. The anticipation took me by surprise, and I found myself smiling as I walked down the corridor towards the Quinjet.

I walked out into the hangar. Tony, Steve, and Bucky were talking in a circle at the open door of the Quinjet. I noticed Bucky's eyes follow me as I walked up, and my stomach did a weird flip. Really not the time, so I tried to ignore it. "Hey guys," I greeted as I walked up. "What's the mission?"

Steve turned and smiled. "Morning. We just got a call from South Korean officials. There's a small terrorist group abducting factory workers. Nothing big. We just need to infiltrate their hideout and bring their leader in for questioning. If this is related to Hydra in any way, we need to follow up fast, so we can catch them by surprise. Sound good?"

I nodded, though I could feel my heart race a bit faster at the mention of Hydra. "Why do we suspect Hydra is involved in a South Korean terrorist cell?"

Tony pulled up a hologram from a device in the palm of his hand. A grim-looking Asian man with a nasty scar running from his left ear up into his hairline stared back at me. "This is Aaron Tao. He was an affiliate of Hydra's around a decade ago. Though he was reported dead after Hydra's infiltration of Sheild was shut down, he reportedly showed up in Seoul three years ago. We suspect he might be taking subjects for experimentation. That's why we're handling this, and not the South Korean government."

"I just finished tuning the cloaking on the Quinjet. If it gives you any problems, let me know, okay?" Tony finished. Once again I nodded, slightly anxious about possibly running into someone I knew from Hydra. "Well, that's all. I'll let you and Barnes get going."

Without looking at me, Bucky boarded the jet and started punching coordinates into the computer, settling in the pilot's seat and avoiding my gaze.

"Is this really how we're going to interact from now on? Come on, Sarge." I tried for a joke, but it fell flat as he turned to look at me. I looked into his eyes, trying to find an indication of what he was feeling. I saw some anger there, sure, but also something else I couldn't identify. "Okay, okay, I get it. Let's just get 'er done."

And with that, we took off towards South Korea, unable to shake the unease coating my thoughts.

Hey guys, it's been a while. I completely forgot about this story, and to be honest I don't think many people care about it, but I found this chapter I forgot to publish, so here :P

If anyone wants me continue this, let me know, otherwise this is probably it

To Kat (still),

Because no matter how long we go without seeing each other, we don't lose the connection we have.


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