Part 8

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Tony Stark was busy. Well, Tony Stark was always busy, but today he was especially busy. He was working to create new improved excavation devices for the disaster zones created by a super tsunami in Japan. Why the Japanese government couldn't do this itself, he didn't know. He was just finalizing the designs for a hydraulic lift system created to target and alleviate pressure points in debris fields so search and rescue teams worked in less hazardous conditions. Suddenly FRIDAY's voice spoke through the intercom system. "Mr. Stark, there is someone at the front door of the facility."

"Who is it, FRIDAY?" He asked, slightly annoyed. Usually, he would be told immediately who was there.

"That's the thing, sir. I don't know. She isn't coming up on any of my recognition software, including face ID."

"Alright, then. Pull the camera feed to my monitor."

"Right away, sir."

A live video popped up on Stark's holographic lab display in front of him. He saw a small, casually dressed woman standing there, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. She looked up at the camera and gave a small wave. Usually, Tony would just ignore the stranger, assuming it was just another fan girl trying to meet one of the Avengers. Ever since Steve and Tony had settled their differences (This entire fic is set after CACW: sorry, I forgot to mention that) and united the team again, people had been showing up left and right, hoping to get a glimpse of the heroes. But the fact that this one didn't show up on any of FRIDAY's recognition software bothered him. That should be impossible.

"Well, it would be rude to leave her waiting," he muttered to himself.

"Like you have been, sir?"

"Oh. Yeah. Direct her to the foyer, I'll be right there."

"Yes, sir."

Stark grabbed the glove of his suit just in case. It folded down into a silver armband, settling on his right wrist. He decided to keep the recognition thing to himself, in case it accidentally gave something away and the woman was some sort of hostile. He stepped onto the first step of the stairway leading upstairs, and a machine came to life, carrying him smoothly and quickly to the top. He stepped off and walked to the foyer, where the woman was waiting.


After a couple of minutes of waiting, I was ushered in by a woman's voice directing me to a small sitting room. When I asked, she introduced herself as FRIDAY, Mr. Stark's AI assistant. I sat perched on the edge of the leather seat, giving off an air of nervousness that was mostly fake. I was worried, but I would never show it unless it was required of me like it was right now.

It wasn't long before a man walked up to me. He was of average height, wearing dark jeans and a shirt that read "AC/DC." I stood up as he walked closer to me. "Not to be rude," he said in a slightly sarcastic tone, "but who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"I'm Venetta Williams, Mr. Stark."

"Well Venetta, what are you doing here?

"I'm here to audition. For the Avengers." 

"The Avengers, huh? And what could you bring to the table? Sorry, I don't mean to assume, you just look kinda," he looked me over, "homeless." I shrugged. I did look homeless, but that was part of the alibi.

"That's because I am. But I'm also, what do you call it, superpowered? Enhanced?" I hold up my hands and they start emitting a whisper of black smoke. I could tell I had him hooked, even if he was trying to hide it. A nobody with superpowers that the best of his technology couldn't pull up an ID for? Yeah, he was interested. 

"Alright, Venetta. I'm going to have FRIDAY show you to a guest room, okay? Most of the team is on a mission right now. When they get back tomorrow, I'll set up a little tryout, see what you're made of, and we'll go from there." I nod and smile softly. "And don't touch anything. Thor and Nat tend to leave really weird stuff laying around. Some of it blows up." I nod again. "Well, that's it. FRIDAY, do your thing."

"Yes, sir. This way, Ms. Williams." Her voice echoes from a hallway to my left, and I follow it until I reach a small but comfortable room at the end. I set my backpack on the bed and sit down. The room is generic, yet modern. 

I mulled over my encounter with Stark. It would be hard to do any snooping with his AI system watching every move I made. I would have to get most if not all of my information from the Avengers themselves, which would be tricky. Oh well. This was my mission, and I would complete it through whatever means necessary. 

How are you guys liking it so far? Comment and vote if you enjoyed it! I take suggestions for different scenes, so if you have one, don't be afraid to share. Sorry for the confusion in the timeline, in this fanfic Tony and Steve compromised on the Accords (agreeing to a less harsh version) and brought the team together again after they did the whole CACW fight. Thanks for your patience.

To Kat,

Happy late birthday! Thanks for being an amazing friend, and the one who introduced me to Wattpad!

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