Treading Hopeful

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A/N 💙

Sorry for not updating earlier!

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JACK AND AMELIA surfaced, breathing heavily as they regained their breath, Jack hugged Amelia tightly as she sputtered out water and coughed, she breathed a sigh of relief, their moment was briefly interrupted, "Their over there!" They heard George exclaim from another boat, The Barron. They quickly swam up to it and they were helped in by George and Peter. The yacht was a little larger than the Moonstone and there's still plenty of space, the captain, a man as old as Mr. Dawson and his wife, who introduced herself as Beatrice, handed them a towel and George returned Collins' life vest and Amelia put on one, Jack insisted. She caught Murphy's eye, he wasn't in a corner sulking but he was staring out into the distance.

"Speak with me."

Her heart skipped several beats when she felt Jack's grip on her arm, she turned, confusion, an unreadable mask on his handsome face, he looked at her arm, his grip loosened, she watched tentatively as he caressed her arm with his knuckles fondly.

A small smile animated on his lips, she let out a sigh of relief, the tension melting away, she inced forward before wrapping her arms around his neck, she flushed, burying her face on his neck, he shivered at the contact, he pulled her closer, brushing his cheek on her damp hair, he relaxed.

"My God, I thought I lost you."

He squeezed her tightly. "You won't." She reassured, nuzzling his cheek tenderly, "Thanks to you." His heart surged, feeling her lips form a smile as she planted a kiss on his cheek. Her lips lingering. "Thank you, pilot."

"Don't do that again." He said snappily with an edge of humour, she pinched his side slightly he flinched, chuckling. She turned, seeing George converse with Peter, who was busy scolding him, made her smile, her chest puffed slightly in triumph. "Here." He searched his pockets and fished out his RAF wings, "What's this?" She exclaimed as he fastened it on her uniform with a shy smile. "When I'm back up at the sky, I'll be with you."

She slid away from Jack, blushing a deep red, he cleared his throat, embarrassed, soon it was akward but they laughed, he massaged his nape, smiling bashfully, Amelia smirked, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear and pressing her palm on the pin.

"Thank you. Jack"

"Always at your service. Amelia." They shared a smile before she turned away, eyeing the

She caught Murphy's eye, he walked towards her, they shared a brief secretive message through a few seconds gaze before Peter approached her, nodding slightly, "Thank you, miss Brooks."


She leaned into Jack, looking ahead of them.




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