Treacherous Waters

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Five seconds... That's all it took. Five seconds bled into six into seven into sixty.

He had to find her.

He didn't know what to do if he hadn't.


The Moonstone continued to tread across the water towards a minesweeper, another one was seen at the distance. Jack Collins would often stare up at the sky waiting for a Spitfire. So far, all he saw was the sun staring back.

"You okay, son?" Mr. Dawson asked as he headed out of the companionway, he nodded briefly. "My mate, Farrier" Collins adverted his gaze to Mr. Dawson, "He's after a Heinkel. A German bomber plane". The word German alarmed Murphy who was busy sulking at one corner. "He'll come around." Mr. Dawson replied with a small smile, patting his shoulder before speaking to Peter, Amelia looked looked behind them. A single yacht followed, the rest were merely outlines far into the distance. Hurry up. Hurry.

"Amelia." Her head snapped to Murphy who staggered up, she gave him a questioning look. "Are you alright?" She quipped, moving towards him, he looked away, "What are you going to do. After this." He looked around. Still displeased at their situation. Though he found refuge speaking to a survivor of the ship they both boarded. "War." She pointed out quickly, Murphy mumbled something and looked at her square in the eyes. "Why?" She glanced at Collins who cocked his head slightly. Wondering the same. "It's what I do. It became a routine, I suppose, afterall, I care about the lives of the soldiers and those in war. I don't think I can see myself retreating home. After everything. Why?" He shrugged slightly, "I can't go back." "Why are you terrified?" He flinched at her question. "I've been like this since." He muttered. "Before Dunkirk. I almost died third week into war." He took out something from his pocket and gaze down at it. "I'm looking for a certain somebody. Rose Jenkins.". She noticed the gold band around one of his fingers.

"Your married?" "Once. It was at a field hospital, a small service. Secret service. I met her only once. We'd see each other after the war and get properly married. I don't think I could wait." He realized he said a little too much and went back to his sulking corner. Head in hands. She exchanged glances with George who appeared from the companionway, oblivious to what happened. Holding a cup of tea. He handed it to Jack who took it gratefully and gulped it down. "He spoke?" He asked, Amelia nodded, "Awfully strange of him." He retorted before turning to the pilot. "What's it like flying a Spitfire, sir?" He asked, Jack smiled, remembering the rush and the freedom, then the suffocation and the fear. "Like flying. One moment your free the other your falling." George leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms, thinking about what he said. "How long have you been flying sir?"

"Since war started. Been training before war, actually." Jack looked up again, yearning to be up there again, he felt the boat jerk forward, dragging him to reality.

Suddenly a Heinkel swept over them, a RAF plane followed hotly behind. "Farrier!" Collins exclaimed, "Come on Farrier! Come on!". "The Heinkel is going to bomb that Minesweeper!" Collins exclaimed alerting Mr. Dawson, "We'll have to pick up survivors!" Amelia walked up to the companionway, fixing her gaze at the Heinkel. Before anyone could speak the whistle of the bomb sliced the air. Collins grabbed Amelia's arm and pulled her out. "We have to hurry!"

They got close to the ship, soldiers packed the ship, staring down at them. "We're too close." Collins said, panic set in his voice. "They won't get to us." George piped up. Mr. Dawson gave him a weary look. "Won't they". Mr. Dawson didn't reply. Uncertain.

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