Thicker Than Water

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The clamor pierced the air as the Stuka bombing shrieked numbing out the incoherent shouting of the soldiers in The Barron, after a few agonizing seconds that felt like years, the yacht pulled next to the sinking minesweeper, the navy tried to fire at the bomber plane only to get rained by tracer fire and ended in vain. Oil seeped from the starboard side, "Oil, their getting in oil!" jack exclaimed, moving quickly to the rail, Amelia and the other soldiers pulled men caked in oil inside, Amelia turned to see a sinking trawler, "Over there!" she exclaimed, "We're on it." Murphy responded jogging to the other side to help Mr. Dawson and the boys pull in the soldiers swimming out of the sinking vessel, "Below deck, lads!" the captain exclaimed, his wife began passing out towels, the other men handed them life savers, "Hurry, we go to get out of here." Amelia said as she pulled out the last man from the murky water, her throat constricted as she stared into the face of the man, green eyed, helpless, she staggered back as he stumbled in, no, he's dead. It's not possible. He's dead. Dead.

She rubbed her face, whisking away the stray tears, oil streaked across her face, she couldn't possibly careless at moments like this, as the boat whirred into action, a loud banging sound nearly deafened them, she brought her trembling hands to her ears as another boom reverberated, before anyone knew what was happening, the oil infested water burst into flames, "Go. Go!" Jack exclaimed as he grabbed Amelia's elbow, steadying her, she kept her gaze glued on that man that disappeared below deck, he glanced at her once, a flash of recognition on his youthful features.

She grabbed his arms, feeling faint, "Tell me his dead, Jack. Tell me my brother is dead." A tear slipped down her oil streaked cheeks, her bottom lip quivering. "He can't... He died.." she whimpered, "Third week into war, flying a Hurricane." She burst into tears, his heart shattered, the look of determination, the bravery, one of the reasons she saved him.

Mr. Dawson stepped forward, Amelia exchanged knowing looks with the old man who grasped Peter's shoulder, the boat swayed and Amelia looked back at the flaming water then to the Minesweeper that began to descend underwater.

She buried her face on Jack's chest. "Let's go home. Please."


What's thicker than water?
Blood in oil.

The last soldier was brought in, Amelia and Jack kept their eyes up in the sky, a Spitfire pierced the sky, tailing the Me 109, Amelia's head spun, the events nauseating, but as she looked at Jack Collins, her heart skipped several beats, a small smile tug at his lips as he sensed her staring, she diverted her gaze to Allan Murphy, head hung low, hands in pockets, leaning against the door frame, he never got to show her the thing he was holding, the mysterious Rose Jenkins he told her about played in her mind.

Curiousity got the best of her and she slipped away from the warmth of her pilot, he tugged at the back of her skirt, pouting slightly, her cheeks set ablaze, instead she motioned her head to Allen, he understood, in a few agonizing seconds his fingers slipped from her dress.

"Allen?" She clasped her hands behind her back, playing with her skirt, wringing it in between her fingers, he looked long and hard at her, his defenses up, she flinched but he eased, a ghost of a smile fleeting across his face, "I was just wondering–" he cut her off taking the photo from his pocket, he handed it to her.

"It's the only photograph of us."

She wiped her hands on her skirt, trying not to dampen the photo, she gently took it, a smile spreaded on her face, the girl was lovely and Murphy– he looked– happy– no, he looked– alive.

She handed it back to him. "I'll try to look for her too, I'm sure we'll bump into each other." He beamed at her, "Thank you. You've done alot. I–" he began to stammer, she heaved a sigh and wrapped her arms around his waist, he shifted uncomfortable at first but squeezed her back. Murphy tried, but his eyes caught Jack's. With that he let go, she smiled, "All this time. I forced myself that my brother is alive somewhere." She glanced at Jack, who turned briefly away, having light conversations with Mr. Dawson, "I lost someone, but–" he leaned and wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I know, Amelia. I know."

Shouting erupted when a fighter plane descended, Amelia pushed passed Murphy and entered the companionway, soldiers huddled inside began a commotion, "Captain! Turn hard right! Trust me!" She went out to the dock and shielded her eyes, "Jack to the steer." She exclaimed, the plane zoomed above the yacht, "Now!" She exclaimed, the yacht tilted as tracer fire plowed through the air, barely missing them by inches, Amelia was thrown off balance, but Jack grabbed her waist, she stumbled back, but regained her footing, her gaze following the plane.

Cheering was heard, but was drowned by the roar of a Spitfire in the distance.


The hours that passed felt like minutes, Amelia, my heart surged at her name, I watched her chest rises and falls as she leans into me as we huddle on the deck, the sun reflects the pin on her uniform, she looks up at me from underneath her lashes, she smiles– her infectious smile.

She makes me feel as if I'm flying, the exhilarating thrill– the undescribable joy bursting inside me, her laugh, her curls around her face, her kindness and her stories. I want to hear them forever.

I've only known her for a few hours.

But, God, I love her.


Dover passes by and the soldiers crowd around the deck, "Home." Murphy exclaims softly. I couldn't help but smile, here I was, with people I barely knew– I've only been with them for a few hours, but I feel like I've known them forever– Jack cuts my train of thought when I caught him staring.

I chuckle.

I hold on to his hand. My breath catches in my throat when he leans, kissing my cheek, my cheeks flush, he looks ahead.

"We're home."


I try to remember the beautiful memories but all I could think of my new found friends, my family.


Bold of me to say, but I love him.

I look up at him, leaning in his arms, inhaling the salt on his damp uniform, my eyes fluttering and I hear myself say.

"I've been home."

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