Chapter 5 (Alex)

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I give Ally's hand one last comforting squeeze and we walk in, sitting at the 3 desks in front. We sit there chatting when I hear a noise move in the back corner, I turn around and it's James. I stay there looking at him when Miss Hannah walks in; he sits down so I turn to the front. "Good Morning class, I'm Miss Hannah and I am going to be your English teacher this year." Miss Hannah continues about all this stuff about... I don't know what because I wasn't listening. We end up having to get in groups of 3 so I group up with Carla and Ally. I whisper "Ok girls, I have no idea what we are doing. I wasn't listening. Sorry." They both smile. Carla replies "We have to create a poster on what we know about the Roman Emperors." "Ok." We begin to collect materials from the floor, pens and paper and begin to draw, stick and write. Class whizzed by and we had to hand in our posters. We pack up our stuff and walk out, I walk out of the class room when I see James talking to Ally, and I stay and watch with Carla from the corner. Everything is silent just their lips moving when I see James slap her across the face, she tries and runs away but he grabs her by the wrist, she gazes around the room looking for help when her gold eyes lock with mine. James slaps her again; I run forward "Get your hands off her!" I shout. James looks at me and says sarcastically "Oh, your boyfriend has come to save you has he!?" She stays quiet. He goes to slap her once more "Are you sure you don't want to go out with me?" "I will never go out with you!" She screams stomping on his foot. He reaches for her wrist, she tries and ducks but he grabs it, twisting, she screams, tears falling down her face. I walk up to him sternly "Let go of her, now!" While he is distracted, she kicks him in the calf and runs over to me, I open my arms and she hugs me tight "Thankyou." She whispers. I feel her body trembling and the tears coming from her eyes. When I feel this strange urge to kiss her, but I don't. I can't. She's my best friend for goodness sake! Get a hold of yourself Alex! "C'mon let's get away from this jerk" I say. Carla comes rushing over hugging her. We walk back to the others and they see the redness on her cheeks and her tear stained face. They don't bother asking, they just hug her, hiding her from anyone else. She grabs her bag and sits down on the bench underneath the Oak. Everyone else is discussing about how we can keep her safe when I see her with her head in hands. I walk over and sit beside her, I brush her ginger curls out of her face. She looks up. "Alex, I'm scared." I wrap my arm around her "We'll protect you." "But he will catch me alone." "No he won't" I see Jasmine walk towards us, and then Ben "We won't let him." "Thankyou guys." She says. We pick up our bags and head off to class; Tyler and Jasmine are in her class. I pull Tyler aside "Don't leave her side, you understand?" I whisper "I won't..." He pauses "Is someone starting to get a little protective over Ally?" He pauses again. "You like her, don't you?"

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