Chapter 16 (Ally)

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I see him sprint away; I can't help but feel guilty of the torment I've put him through. I smile up at Alex, resting my head on his chest. Hey, I can't exactly complain ... The eyes, the way his blonde hair flicks across his face, his tanned skin and that heart stopping smile. As we walk past girls turn their heads in disappointment, I can't help but smile. I've got the whole population of girls envying me because of the gorgeous guy with his hand around my waist. He laces his fingers through mine as we walk down the street to my house; I go to turn but his holds my wrist. I flick my head around. His smile stopping my heart, I hate how he can make me do anything "Come with me to the park?" I wrap my arms around him in a hug "Sure." Turning the corner we walk into the park. He wraps his arms around me (we dropped our bags off at my house); the cool lake is so tempting with the hot sticky air hanging all around me. Alex looks over from his spot on the floor "Race ya!" I smile. I run and dive in, jumping in the cold water, wrapping around me I push up to the surface seeing Alex's smiling face. "I win!" I smile. He swims over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist he whispers "Yes you did." I lean in tasting his lips, he pulls me under but it doesn't matter because it's only me and him, our bodies wrapped together. We rise to the surface, swimming to the side he pulls me out. I wrap my arms around him, shivering. He picks me up on his back running me home. I run inside, changing into a dry pair of clothes. I walk down stairs and see him on the couch I walk over sitting beside him, snuggling into him. He wraps his arm around my waist placing a kiss to my hair. I turn the TV on "What movie?" He picks one off the side table 'Frozen.' I place it in the DVD holder. Jumping back on the couch I hear the bell ring, I open the door revealing James. "Hey!" "Hey! What are you doing?" He notices mine and Alex's (who has just walked up behind me) wet hair. "We went for a swim at the lake." I say. "Do you want to work on the maths project this weekend?" I hesitate, Alex's arms tensing around me. "Okay. Mine or yours?" "Don't mind." I can come here if you want but only if your mother's fine with it..." He pauses "after everything that's happen." He says, I reply "It will be fine!" He closes the door smiling. I turn round to Alex who tangles his hands through my hair "I love you, you know that right?" "Yes." I wrap my arms around his neck, placing my lips to his I feel a burst of energy but it quickly fades away. I can't help but wish it felt more like James's. He leads me back over to the couch and we watch the end of the movie. After the movie finishes Alex leaves. I run up to my room sitting on my bed I pray for the first time since Dad past away "Dear Lord, I am sorry for ignoring you all these years and I hope you will forgive me. Please help me find some lead in all this chaos. Please help me in such a way so I cannot hurt anyone. Just show me a sign, anything. Amen." As soon as I finish I hear a rock against my window. I walk over. It's James. I sigh.

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