Chapter 7 (Ally)

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I keep running even though it stupid because I know he will catch up. Only if I was in water. I duck behind a tree and sit down with my hands in my head. I really don't need to talk to him right now. He turns the corner and sees me behind the tree "Sorry about them back there Alice." "It's fine." I reply, wiping the tears so he won't see, but it's too late. "You're not fine if you're crying" I lean in and hug him, wishing I could tell him but then it would ruin our friendship. Big time. "All better?" He smiles down at me "Yeh, I think I just needed a hug." "They do help, especially ones from me." I laugh "C'mon Ally, let's go back." He wipes the last of my tears away as we walk back to the group. I see some of them playing Truth and Dare but Carla, Jasmine, Tyler and Ben are in the corner waiting for us. They really are the best friends in the entire world! We go and sit down, they all apologise for not doing more and I tell them I'm fine. We chat until the bell rings. We're all in different classes this time. None of them want to leave me, especially Alex. "Alex, I will be fine, you have to trust me." "It's not you I don't trust, it's him, and I don't want to see you get hurt again!" I give him a hug and go. I look behind seeing the worried look on his face but Jasmine pulls him along.
I open the door to my maths room, no James. I walk in and go over to a girl with blonde hair and green eyes "May I sit with you?" She looks up smiling "Of course!" I sit down. "I'm Evelyn." "I'm Ally. Are you new?" "Yeh. You?" "No, I came from the primary." We both smile when Mr Calvin walks in the room. "Hello guys, today we will be working in pairs." He gets interrupted by someone at the door. I look over. It's James. I quickly turn away hoping he hasn't seen but it's too late his eyes are locked on mine. Mr Calvin looks over at me noticing my strange behaviour (he was my maths teacher last year, for the extension) "Why are you late?" He booms. James's eyes turn away from mine "Sorry Sir, I lost my way round." "That's fine; after all it is your first day but please tries and is on time from now on." He walks to the back of the room his grey-blue eyes locked on mine. I turn trying to ignore him. When Mr Calvin lets us go to work in our pairs I grab my phone and text Jasmine and Carla
(❤️ = Ally 💙 = Carla 💜= Jasmine)
❤️: Guys, his here.
💙: We will meet you out of class as soon as we finish, stay in as long as possible.
💜: Have you told Alex?
❤️: No.
💙: Good!
💜: Don't!
💜: Personally I think he likes you.
❤️: Highly doubt it; there are so many other prettier girls. (I'm secretly hoping there right)
💙: But serious Ally have you seen how protective he is of you?!
❤️: I know, anyways got to go.
💜: Bye!
💙: Bye!
I place my phone in my pocket "Sorry about that Evelyn." "That's fine." She replies. "What do you want to create for the cards?" I ask. "I don't know." We start brainstorming ideas on a sheet of paper.
Everyone else walks out of class, including James. When Mr Calvin calls me over "Ally come here please." I walk over nervously. "Is everything alright, you were acting a bit strange today." Dam it! His seen straight through "I'm fine, big day." "Yeh I guess it has been." Mr Calvin walks out the door as I grab my bag. As I walk out I feel someone shove me against the locker. James. He slaps me across the face continually and punches me in the stomach a sharp object piercing my skin, the tears roll down my face. He balls his hand up in a fist and slams it across my face; I feel the blood trickling from my lip just as I close my eyes I see James run away. My legs let go and I feel my body slam against the floor. Closing my eyes, I open them up once more seeing a dash of blonde run around the corner. Alex.

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