Chapter 21 (Ally)

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Rolling over and over I get out of bed, annoyed that sleep won't take over. Jumping in the shower I wash away the memories but as I get out I let out a blood curling scream, James. Mum rushes beside me, no need to ask. She lays me down and wait till my eyes shut, sleep takes over but not for long, I wake up to James's arms around me, I don't scream, maybe the fact that I want to believe this is real. I whisper, testing my limits "Why did you do it?" Silence rings in the air, my heart sinks, "Because I couldn't live with the fact that I drove you away and now I'd lost any chance with you." My heart sinks to the depths of despair "He cheated...Alex that is." His breath on my neck "I still don't regret the moments I spent with you." "Everyone misses you, I wanted you to celebrate my 13th with me..." "I'll be there..." confused, "How?" "Why do you think Zac ran after you?" "How close were you?" "As close as brothers could get..." "Is this real?" silence rings once more "That is up to you..." My heart flutters like butterflies in the sun "Kiss me." Placing his lips to mine they are warm, everything just the way it used to be, one difference he wasn't really here, or was he? Pulling away slowly he whispers "I have to go..." My heart breaks "Why?" "The gate is closing..." "I will come with you," ripping the sheets off he stops me "No, you are going to live a long beautiful life with a guy that loves you as much as me..." The tears trickle down my face "But I want to be with you," "I'll always be there..." He disappears just as fast as he appeared, confused I try and go back to sleep but his voice rings loud into the emptiness 'I'll always be there...' what was he implying?
Sun dances in my room reflecting off the small pile of presents which lay at my mother's feet, "Happy 13th birthday!" I smile, no more thinking about yesterday or last night, I'm going to make this a enjoyable day if not for me at least for Mum, after all she deserves me to be happy. Doesn't she? I open the first present, a pair of black converse with orange, green and pink hearts, I squeal, I'd been wanting them for ages. She then hands me a plain brown cardboard box with 2 holes on the left side, I lift the lid to be licked continuously by a ginger fur ball with 4 paws and a tail, I pull it away laughing to be greeted by the most adorable puppy face, Jumping off the bed I give Mum a massive hug "Thankyou so much!" "I thought you could deal with a new companion to play with." I hug her tighter. It jumps into my lap pushing me onto the bed, laughing I push him off "Hello Boy, how are you? What shall I call you?....hmmmm...Toffee?" He curls up in my lap, "I guess you like that then." Patting his soft waves Mum sits beside me, "This is from your father, he wanted you to have it on your 13th birthday." I open the little pouch to find a small crystal bottle hanging from a gold chain, I carefully pull the cork out a small piece of parchment falls into my hand, the word forever is inscribed in my father's handwriting, the tears fall down my face, whispering, "I love you Daddy" Mum hugs me tight helping me put it around my neck, Toffee jumps onto me licking away my tears pulling away, looking at me, his eyes saying 'Don't cry' I smile cuddling my face in his fur. I wrap my arms around him and hold him as we walk down the stairs into the kitchen where we are greeted by Zac and his parents, Toffee fidgeting in my hands I put him down, after saying hello to everyone Zac and I run out into the garden playing with Toffee, his fur shimmering in the sunlight. At that very moment I forgot about everything that had happened, in that moment I was invincible. Nothing could break me. Ever.

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