[ reaction ↪ hyung line ]

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X1 hyung line reaction when they see you crying after a huge fight.


It's very rare that you two fight, like a fight that would end up shouting and hurting each others feelings 'cause seungwoo is a very understanding and calm man but not this time.
He was too busy with his group that he actually forgot your anniversary.  When he got home, you yelled at him which is not good because he was in a bad mood. You were shocked when he shouted back at you. He also said harsh things to you and walked out of the house you two shared. When he came back, he went to your shared room where he spotted you crying. He became soft and guilty for shouting and saying harsh words at you.He hugged you and wiped your tears off. He keep saying sorry nonstop, comforting you and kissing you in very part of your face.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I got carried away by my angriness. I love you and please stop crying, your making me cry too"


He was very frustrated and angry that time when he came home.
You tried comforting him, saying that everything will be okay but he just shouted and cursed at you.You were shocked and hurt by that so you start crying infront of him. He came back to his senses when he saw you crying. He hugged you and kissed you while saying sorry nonstop.

"I'm so sorry, my love please forgive me. I promise that wouldn't happen again."


Well,Wooseok is a short-tempered man, means he easily get angry. After the practice for their debut song, Wooseok came home in a bad mood and as a good girlfriend, you comforted him but he thought that it was a bad thing and snapped at you. You became angry so you started yelling at him but you were taken back when he shouted back and started saying negative things about you. You were very hurt by what he said so you told him to leave and he did. Hours passed, he came back to the house that you two shared for years and he spotted you sitting in the floor, crying. You were mess at that time and tears has been falling from your eyes nonstop that makes your eyes red and puffy. He immediately hugged you and showered you with kisses. He also said sorry.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm really sorry...."


Yohan was very pressured being the center and is very scared to make any mistake in their performances. And when he got injured, he thought that he was being a burden to the group. You always comfort him and your words always make him smile but not this time. You told him that he should stop thinking negative things about his self but he didn't seem to like it and thought that you're trying to argue with him so he shouted at you and said that you are very annoying. The tears in your eyes started rolling down to your cheek. When he saw you crying, he immediately became soft. He wanted to walk to you and hug you but due to his injured feet, he can't so he motioned you to go to him and you obeyed quickly. He hugged you then kissed your hand while saying sorry.

"I'm so so so sorry,Darling. Please forgive me~"


Hangyul is a chill man. He doesn't want to argue with you and sometimes when you snap at him, he would be an understanding boyfriend and just think that you are in your period or you had a bad day. But this time, when you snapped at him for no reason he became angry and started shouting mean things about you. Since you're too sensitive at this day, you started crying like a kid.When he saw you crying, he became soft and started to laugh  because you were crying in a childish way.

"I'm sooooo sorryyy baby Y/n~"

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