[ imagine ↪ Junho ]

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Requested by @bebekoEkswan (nice name hahahaha!Bebe niya daw x1)


(Your POV)

There is many ways to connect you to your soulmate in this world.It could be a matching tattoo,matching pendant,rings and more but mine is special.Well,mine is eye color changing one.My eye color change into various of colors and as a human being,I am very confused as hell.When I was elementary,I almost thought that I have superpowers but my mother explained  all about the soulmate thing and I only understood everything when I became a highschool student.My mother says that my soulmate also have the same sign as mine(eye color changing sign) and when we meet,our eye colors will change into the normal ones.

Well again,as a confused human being,I searched about it and it says that if it turns into red,means my soulmate is angry.If it turn into blue,my soulmate is happy.If it's turn into violet,then my soulmate is nervous or if turns into pink,my soulmate is just chill.And lastly,when it turns into black and white,my soulmate died.Mostly,the colors of my eyes are blue,voilet and pink.Y'all think is cool but believe me,It is not because the color of my vision depends on my soulmate's mood.Like around me is pink then surprisingly everything went into color blue.

Enough with all of the explanations.

Today,I am helping my co-school council members to decorate the auditorium of our school for the boy groups competition,tonight.The groups would be from the other school such as TBZ Academy,CIX Academy, and more,sure that they are all great.And for this year,my school will be the host of the competition which is actually good 'cause our school auditorium is pretty big and it's only used for special events.The school council members,including me are very exhausted right now but we will be also payed by having free foods and having the VIP seats for the competition, which means we will be sitting in the very front,KYAH!I'm very excited!
After hours of cleaning and making the whole auditorium beautiful,we are done.The whole arrangement is nic.Me,my co-S.C members and even the dean of our school is very satisfied.

"Okay,School Council members you all have done a great job!Go get your free foods now.After eating,you can go home,rest and get ready for the competition tonight!"
The dean stated that make us shout in delight.Finally!

This gonna be a long but exciting night!

(Night time @ Auditorium)

"Omg Y/n!!The competition will start in a minute ahhh!!"
My friend and co-school council member excitingly said.

"Relax ma friend,relax~"
Then I laughed.

Suddenly my vision's color is starting to change into another color and it's voilet.Wahh my soulmate nervous! Why is this?

"Y/n-ah your eye color is now voilet!So your soulmate is nervous?"
My friend retorted.

"Uhmm maybe?"

"Why he is nervous?Is there a possibility that he is participating something thrilling?"
My friend concluded.

"Or he will also participate this competition??!!!My god Y/n,I think you will meet your soulmate tonight!"
She added.I hope that would happen hayst...

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Boy Group 101! Today,5 group from different schools will perform their original songs and the winner would receive a special price!So what are we waiting for...Let's start now!"
The mc says

Firstly,He introduced the first group and it they are from CIX Academy then they performed their own song intilted "Movie Star".Then followed by M.X Academy that performed "Follow",TBZ Academy performed "D.D.D", and AB6IX Academy performed " Blind for Love".

"For the last group from XSter Academy,performing their original song "U got it". Let's all welcome,X1!"
(A/n: It is the premier show-con,U got It X1 ver.)
Then 11 boys came in the front of the stage and the lights became dim giving the group a nice view.Well,I can sense that this is a sexy concept.

Then the performance started.

"Yeah~Oh no no no~
(U got it)U got it,u got it,U got it~

As we all enjoy the performance,A guy really caught my voilet vision eye.Well,I took the middle seat in the front row so I can clearly see their faces and this guy is really handsome like visuals on point.

" I wandered for so long~(wandered)
It's over now I met you~(over)"

As the guy sings,he made an eye contact with me and something Unbelievable happens.When Our eyes met,my vision becomes normal like the vision of a normal human being.

'H-he is my soulmate'
I thought.

Then he stopped for a bit but eventually continued after I mouthed
"Don't stop"
Then I smiled at him and he also smiled back.

'What did I do to deserve a handsome soulmate like him?'

After their performance,All the groups gathered in the stage for the announcement of the winner.

"And the boy group 101 winner is..........X1!Congratulation to Xster Academy and the members of X1.You all will receive the special price tomorrow"
OMG!They won!!!!

Then After the announcement, I hurriedly went to backstage.Then him and his group came.
As he wandered his eyes around,He met my eyes then he smiled.He walked on my direction and stopped in front of me.

"Hi!Congratulations,your group won!"
Then suddenly he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"You know what,the lyrics of the song is right.I wandered for so long but It's now over when I met you"
Then he released me from the hug.

"By the way,I am Y/n"
I said,smiling.

"I'm Junho and I am your soulmate"


I worked this yesterday but I didn't finish it lol.
Sorry for the grammatical errors and wrong spellings 'cause I haven't proof read this
Because this imagine was rushed
Again,you all can request!
I am out of ideas hehehe

-Milky Yang

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