[ imagine ↪ Hangyul ]

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Requested and dedicated to MielHao0711
-hey bubs!I'm sorry if It took me so long in writing your request,I was being lazy as hecklol.And I remember that you said what if I could suggest a plot/genre for your request and I said Yandere but I changed it into a fluff imagine,I hope you don't mind :)
Anyways enjoy this short imagine for you ❤-milkyyang


Here you go again,standing in the counter and waiting for a someone to enter.You were working small café infront of an famous entertainment so you often see idols in sunglasses,mask or hoodie,probably their disguise. But there is an idol who caught your attention.He always buy a Black Coffee,sugarless and he doesn't wear any disguise which you actually love since you could see his face.But the problem is,you don't know his name.

You snapped out from daydreaming when you heard the door opened. It was him,the black coffee guy with someone,a young looking male with chubby cheeks.Both of them were talking and laughing as they approached the counter.

"Welcome to Xster Cafe!"
You manage greet them without stuttering.

"Hyung,Just get me something sweet.I'll wait for you outside."
The guy with chubby cheeks said and left.

"What would you like to order...sir?"

"Uhmm I would like to order a medium size chocolate frappe and  Larg--"

"Large size black coffee without sugar.That would be 3000 won."
He looked at you with a shocked expression while he paid and you chuckled.

"You have been ordering that for almost a year whenever you're here,sir."
You stated and smiled.

"Err I guess you already memorized my order...(Y/n)"
He said as he looked at your name tag.

When his orders are done,you handed it to him.
"Thank you for coming!Hope you comeback!
You bowed.

"I will definitely comeback here.I'm Hangyul by the way and..call me later."
He said as he handed a card.He winked at you and left.

"I could be the sugar in your black coffee..."
You mumbled and giggled...


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