[ imagine ↪ Seungwoo ]

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You woke up in a cold and dark nowhere.You could only see the pitch black surroundings,nothing else.You thought sleeping for a long time would be a good escape from the life and responsibilities waiting for you.You thought that you would be in a paradise where everything is peaceful and happy but you were wrong,you were completely alone and scared.Suddenly,a light shined to you and an big mirror appeared.You stepped closer to the mirror and saw your reflection,you were wearing a white dress and your hair was perfectly curled.The girl on the mirror is so beautiful that you thought that,that wasn't you.

Then you could see from the reflection of the mirror that there was a tall guy behind you wearing a black tuxedo and tie,his hair was styled and over all,handsome and amazing.(Photo Above)

You turned to face him but he wasn't there,no one was there.You became more scared and frightened as you look back to the mirror.He was still there in the reflection,standing and smiling sweetly.

"W-where am I?!W-who are y-you?!"
You asked even though you were scared.

"I am Han Seungwoo."
He smiled sweetly.

"Do you want to leave here?"
He asked and you nodded desperately.

"Then I want you to close your eyes and count 3,okay?"
You could feel his hands cover your vision.

You closed your eyes and counted one to three but you are quite unsure to open it back since he haven't removed his hands yet but you could hear some music instruments being played into a unfamiliar song.

"You could open your eyes now,(Y/n).."
He whispered into your ear as he removed his hands.

An big fancy room greeted you as you opened your eyes.The big Chandelier,red carpeted floor and gold walls was screaming richness.

You turned around to see Seungwoo.
"W-what is this?"

He smiled to you once again.
"May I have a dance with you,(Y/n)?"
And held up his hand to you.

Not even knowing,your accepted his offer.He placed his other hand to you waist while you place your free hand to his shoulder.Seungwoo started moving to the music and you just followed the flow.From slow,the dance became more faster and you noticed that he smirked evilly.You started to become scared again,wanted to pull out and stop dancing but you can't, you seem under his control.

"I have been watching you ever since you were born,darling.."
He spoke making you more scared.

"Now,you are gonna be with me in the other world....Forever."
Then you noticed that your hands started to disappear into thin air.You screamed loudly,frightened.Before disappearing completely,Seungwoo's lips crashed into yours.You could feel something that haven't felt before.Then you vanished into the air.


"I am so sorry,Mr. and Mrs.(S/n),we tried our best to save her."
The doctor said to the couple with tears rushing down like waterfalls.

"(Y/n) (S/n),time of death 3:00 Am..."


Aye---I really sucked at writing horror lol but hey!Atleast I tried

If you haven't figured out,Seungwoo was a demon in this imagine by the way hehehe...

Anyways,don't forget to vote!

-Milky Yang

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