[ imagine 2 ↪ Hangyul ]

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Part two of the previous Hangyul imagine


(Hangyul's POV)

"Who are you? And Why Am I here?"

Y/n can't r-remember me?

"Y/n, are you joking me? How can you forget your childhood friend?"
I let out a forced chuckle.

"No, I wouldn't joke to a person I don't know."
She seriously said while looking at me straight to my eyes.

Then we heard the door opened so turned to its direction and we saw Y/n's mom coming in.

"Hangyul, we need to talk about Y/n's condition"
She says, sadness can be heard in her voice.

I went to her and asked
"What is happening to Y/n? She said she can't remember me.."

"Hangyul, Y/n is suffering from amnesia and the only thing she can remember is the herself and her family..."

"W-what?I— I can't believe this"
I said, in verge of crying.

"Me too Hangyul, but you need to accept the fact that she can't remember you."


(Y/n's POV)

It's been two weeks since the accident but I still can't remember things, especially the Hangyul guy. He said that he is my childhood best friend and showed some of our pictures but in the end, my head would only hurt. I been cold to him— No let me rephrase that, I've been cold to everyone and to my so-called friends.Whenever they greet me, i would just ignore them.

While reading a book in my bed, someone knocked on my room's door.

"Come in!"
And the door opened.

My mother then entered my room and sat on my bed.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something."

"What it is, mom?"

"I know that you are still adjusting here but we are going to Japan."

"Oh okay, when is our flight?"
I simply asked.

"Tonight so pack your things now."
She said while slowly walking out in my room.

"Okay, mom."

She turned around and asked a question that made my heart ache.
"Aren't you gonna tell this to Hangyul?"

"Nah, I still don't remember him."



"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,the flight for Japan will be in 20 minutes..Thank You...."

"Mom, our flight will be in 20 minutes. Should we go to the waiting area?"
I said.

"Just wait dear...."
She replied while facing the entrance.

"Who are we waiting, mom?"

"Someone. He said he's just gonna say bye to us— Oh! Here he is.."
Then I saw a male figure walking to our direction.

'It's Hangyul...'

"Oh hangyul, you came.."
Then my mom smiled at him

"Uhmm yeah.Can I borrow Y/n for a minute?"
He asked.

"Sure. Y/n, we will wait for you in the waiting area okay, please hurry..."
Then my parents walked off to the waiting area

"What do you want Mr.Lee Hangyul?"
I asked coldly to him and he held my hand.

"Even though you can't remember me, I just wanna say I loved you and I will still love you forever.."
He said that caused me to tear up. Why Am I crying? Why my heart is hurting?

"And also I'm here to say take care, I won't say goodbye 'cause I know that you will comeback and I hope to see you soon."
Then he wiped the tears that has been rolling down from my eyes and then he kissed my cheeks.

"The flight for japan is in 10 minutes. Please be ready, thank you."

"You can go now, Y/n. See you soon."
He smiled and let go of my hand.

'See you soon too, Lee Hangyul.....'

[5 years later...]

"The plane lands succesfully in Incheon international airport. Welcome to South Korea and have a good day."
The speaker says.

"Y/n, are you ready to face korea once again?"
My mother asked.

"I think so..."

"You're gonna be okay, Y/n"
My father says, comforting me.

When we got out of the plane, the cold air of korea greeted us. We then hailed a cab to the village where we lived back then and after an hour or so, we arrived at the village. The place is now so different than what I remember but the people here didn't change, they are still warm, welcome and happy.

When we arrived at our house, we arranged our things and after arranging mine, I took a walk in the park here in the village. There's a lot of kids playing and families that are having a picnic, this place is so nice. While walking and wondering around, I saw a little boy crying so I approached him.

"Hello cutie boy~ Why are you crying?"
I asked while wiping the boy's tears.

"I-i'm lost. I c-can't find my f-father"
He says while crying. Why this kid is so cute?

"I will help you find your father, is that okay?"
Then the boy's face brighten.


"Yep! I'm Y/n by the way, what is your name?"

"I'm Hyeongjun!"
The boy exclaimed. Gosh He's so cute!If ever we can't find his father, I'm gonna keep him.

Then we roamed around the park to find he's father. I also treated him ice cream so he won't get sad. And while walking, we heard someone shouting his name

Then we turned into the direction where the voice came from.

Then the man ran to us and hugged Hyeongjun.

"Thank you for helping my so— Y/n?"
The man said.

"It's okay, H-hangyul."

"Uhmm thank you again, Y/n. So see you around?"
Then He smiled at me.

"Y-yeah, see you around"
Then walked away from them.

'I can remember you now, Hangyul and I just want tell you that I loved you and I will love you forever...'


So this is the first time that I made an angst imagine...
How was it?is it bad?
I'm sorry to @_Hitagi_San
If I didn't meet your expectations

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