Chapter 6💋💋💋💋❤❤😉😉

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A/N  explicit content ahead. Read at own risk. Thank you.

"Sit." Really now? I rolled my eyes and pulled my wrist. A part of me was mildly disappointed that he'd let me but I ignored that.

He was looking straight ahead cradling a glass of what looked like vodka maybe.

I don't know why but his extreme nonchalance made me more nevious then if he were fighting with me to do as he said. Almost as if his silence meant that his angry wrath would be that much greater if I disobeyed.

Disobeyed what? I couldn't tell ya. I had my silent soliloquy for about a minute before I sat down again and looked at the side of his face.

He paid me no mind as he finished his drink. This of course gave me plenty of time to size him up. I noticed that even sitting down, he seemed extremly tall.

He looked good in a form fitting solid black three piece suit... Even his shirt was black. Out of his side pocket hung a gold chain and on his wrist was a  very old looking watch.

Let me not even get started on his face. That's when the real staring began, as I scrutinized the high check bones and the dark foreboding scowl.

Those eyes.... they were so unreal and haunting even when they weren't looking at me but straight ahead instead. I knew he could sense my eyes on him though. He still hadn't spoken to me he just drank his beverage and finally when the last drop was all but gone he looked at me.

His features were impassive and unreadable. He just looked at me for a hard minute, returning the favour of what I was doing just moments before. I wondered what he saw and as disappointed as the admition makes me I will admit....

I wondered if what ever it was he saw was enough... enough for what? I couldn't tell you because I don't know. The thought was just one more confusing aspect to this handsome stranger.

His gaze did things to me though. I was all nervous and uncomfortable and what not. I felt so seen like he was searching for some truth or the pieces of my soul that I always carried bare on my face for everyone to see.

After that minute was over ( thank god) he nodded ever so slightly as if he found what he was looking for and then he spoke, "name."

Usually I would not have entertained his rude behaviour  (no I would not tell him off or tell him where he can stick his commands along with his mysteriousness....)

I would just leave but something about the deep, calm voice left me breathlessly saying, "Gracelin."

"Well Gracelin it's nice to meet you dispite the fact that I may have just ruined your life." I scrunched up my face in confusion,

"Wait, WHAT!!" He answered with a single word before pointing upstairs to a door where I could see two guards standing motionlessly, "Vernon."

Then he left. Disappeared and I was stunned.... "what the hell does he mean by ruined my life. Cra$ I need ice cream right now... or better fu$$ing yet I need to high tail my black a$$ outta here." I stood and made my way to the door.

I didn't know what to do or what was going to happen but I had to I just.... I had to do this. 'Yep your a$$ is stupid. Did you not just hear tall dark and hands apologize for ruining yo damn life? Leave. Turn around and go bi$$$.' I don't even know why I wasn't doing exactly that anymore. I guess it was because this whole expedition had cost me a day. A whole day I will never be able to take back.

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