Chapter 16🤔🤔🤔🤓🤓🤓😘😘

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I think I understood that I had to go back home. It really didn't matter what excuses I could keep thinking up to avoid the situation, so I packed up what little I had brought with me to Damien's house and I went home.

The moment I had stepped through the thresh hold I ran like a bat out of hell to my only sanctaury: my room, and I slapped my body onto my bed truly relieved I had managed to avoid Jon for now at least. I sighed heavily into my warm covers and closed my eyes to nap, not even a moment later a tentative knock came to the open door.

I sat up and locked eyes with Nate's big brown teary ones and I felt like sh$t. How could I forget about my little partner in crime, "Grace you're back...," his voice as small, shy, "Why did you go?"

"I just... it was just for a night Nate..."

"Jon helped me get ready for school..." he responded lowly he was so calm and still. Nothing like my overly annoying kid brother.

"Nate...," I moved off the bed and scooped him up, holding him close and sitting back on the edge of the bed in one smooth movement. He didn't move, he just looked at me patiently and I sighed,"I should have helped you get ready for school, I'm sorry I wasn't here. I was at a friend's house but I promise. I promise you it won't ever happen again okey?"

He nodded his little head and then laid it in my chest. How did my little brother get so smart and dramatic huh?

I ruffled up his hair, "now tell me how school went, huh."

"I kissed Laine Ganzelez today. "


And just like that I was back to hanging with my original best friend. Damn this kid was trouble.


"You're hesitating....," I didn't think it was possible for Destiny to whoop my a$$ worse than he had the first time. And yet here we were.

I sighed to myself looking down at the matted floor. I had come late to this session after a 'not an argument' argument with Jon and found Destiny's cranky a$$ waiting for me. Honestly this was all to much.

I truly am trying to deal with all this sh$t but... it's very hard. Its hard to be okey with all this new f$$ked up information. Parden my language in describing the fiend and Jon and this here gargoyle.

I got up shakily. I think Destiny managed to dislocate my left ankle. Sprain it at least.  He threw me really fu$$$ng hard that time. I could sense his frustration with me.

The pain he caused was meant to be incentive to try harder as not to experience pain. I knew this but at this point in the damn day I was too damn tired to play his games. And meet his already low expectations.

He sighed dramatically upon seeing how I was putting weight on my right leg. His large form made it's to me in no time at all before he lifted me of the ground and carried me out of the training room.

He placed me on a couch in the tv room before disappearing and leaving me to myself. I watched him do all this until he was out of my line of sight. Where upon I directed my gaze to a tv with nothing playing.

Damien is ... I don't know ... Trying to remake me into someone who understands him. I don't.

My mind went back to my alarmingly pathetic line of thinking when I'd first me Aglaea. How dare I berate myself for being scared of Damien? The situation was fu$$$ng scarey or creepy at least.

Jon was being an a$$ truly and really, he cares for himself first and let's the rest of us get his scraps.... and me? I ... I am ripping at the seams and I truly wonder what will happen when I finally do loose it. My calm that is- and freak out.

I don't know how many more surprises I can take. Too much is happening too quickly and I can't react to any of it fast enough. Eventually though, I will have to react to all of this and that kind of scares me. Makes me wish I had dealt with it all then and there instead of storing all this... all this fear nd this hurt and anger... f$$k I'm angry.

Or I should be I guess. I'm not though, just tired. Tired and sore. The physical pain is actually better than the mental turmoil. It's refreshing... to have my mind focus on just that... almost like I'm outside myself for a bit. Just a little while. I guess I can thank Destiny for that much.

A glass was thrust into my upturned hands. I took it only now noticing that Destiny was beside me. I drank the disgusting contents and shivered a little at the taste.

I'd learnt from my last session with Destiny's crew that it was Bradley who made the ingredients for my little drink and that I really didn't want to know what was in it.

"It's my understanding Destiny," I looked his way, "that you don't spend much time around humans or even mortals so I'll tell you that we're a little tricky.

Even when we should be easily manipulated - and we are more often then not - sometimes we go and throw in a curve ball."

I was referring to the fact that he'd failed to train me using pain. I'm pretty sure I wasn't making any sense at all. But sue me I'm tired.

"I'm not manipulating you."

I snorted, "oh but you are. The pain is a tool. I should use it to help me learn."

I remember my mother saying a variation of that to my brother when I was much younger. And she was around.

"We'll try again tomorrow." I made a move to stand but he placed hands on my arms and guided me back down.

"You aren't okey. What's the matter?"

I sighed, I made this mistake with Jon already. There really wasn't any use in making it twice. I shrugged and just then a car's hooter went off, "I'm just a bit tired. I'll see you tomorrow."

I was relieved and disappointed to find Jon waiting but I didn't dwell on it. I just got into the car. Ready for today to end.


Destiny's p.o.v

I was frustrated. Admittedly this was the case before I'd

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