Chapter 12🤓😜😜😜😜🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

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He was standing at a distance, his face was blank and empty as always but still immeasurably beautiful. I stared in shock, I honestly thought I would never see him again.

Or at least not for a long time anyways. I don't know why that is. Well no actually I know why, he ignores my very existence until suddenly and out of nowhere he doesn't and begins insulting me and degrading me as if the air we share is insulting to him.

That's why I  thought I'd never see him again. I spoke his name in what sounded like surprise and breathlessness, "Destiny."

Destiny's p.o.v

She looked shocked if not unhappy to see me. I watched her eyes roam my body before landing on my face and she said breathlessly, "Destiny."

I loved how she spoke my name, how she said it like some foreign language she couldn't understand she said my name like it had new meaning. I wanted her. But I knew better so I held myself back,

"come, we don't have time to delay. You are dismissed Cameron." He rolled his eyes and smiled at Gracelin, "have fun," he says to her and  kissed her cheek. The action drove me near mad.

I clenched my fists in annoyance, I don't like how close they are. Soon enough Cameron was gone and I was left alone with the child. She looked at me almost nervously,

"so... is there any chance you'll go easy on me?" I stared at her blankly for a time, "training room. Now,"

I said before I walked away. Though I heard her say, "well shit," under her breathe and I smiled lightly to myself.

Gracelin p.o.v

The air rushed past my face as I felt myself float in the air for a bit before crashing to the matted floor. I groaned slightly as I got on my knees and chuckled to myself, tasting the blood in my spit.

"Again," Destiny's voice booms so I stand up slowly and turned to him. We both got into fighting positions and he stared me down, his hard eyes held no emotion. No sympathy,

"concentrate. " my limbs were on fire and my breathe was laboured. How many times had he thrown me to the ground only to order me up again?

Ten? Fitten times? It didn't matter, I knew he wouldn't stop until I managed to somehow successfully fight back. I had zero idea how though, he was huge, inhumanly strong and where I was ready for a nap he looked to have barely broken a single f$$king sweat. Like damn.

I took in a deep breathe and clenched my fists, closing my eyes. You can do this... I didn't open my eyes in time but I heard him move. The panic set in me so quickly that a vision slipped behind my closed eyes:

He lunged at me, grabbing my left arm and flipping me onto my back. I opened my eyes and dodged his attack. I spun my body around and hit his pressure points fast. The sound of his knees hitting the carpet was like music to my ears.

He turned his head to me still on his knees and he smiled. He actually f$$king smiled. He was quite beautiful when he did, I almost lost concentration as I traced his features with my eyes.

"Now we rest." I fell to the ground and basically screamed, "yes." I don't know how I did that but I'm glad I did. My body was already riddled with bruises from this training session and I was sure I'd be sore in the morning.

Destiny helped me to my feet and we walked (well I limped mostly) to the kitchen. He went to work making something while I watched silently. After a while he set a glass of some suspicious looking liquid before me,

"drink." Not gonna happen white boy, "what are you?" He stared at me for so long I doubted he'd answer but to my shock he sighed, sat down and said,

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