Chapter 1 - Grim Reaper

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Work is done by both Outlaw_Hunter and Me.


The sounds of constant yelling and screaming of children made its way down the hallway in which you sat at. You were leaning back on a chair that was just outside an office room.

"Peace and quiet is nonexistent in these places..." You mumble to yourself with a sigh.

Referring to the place that you are in too. A foster home. One of the many that you have had to stay in since you were young. And with the recent news that a man has offered to take you in, you only assumed that this is just going to be a repeat of previous events. 

You've stayed with foster families before, and every single one was just a repeat of badness. Lack of communication with the parents lead to them regretting the decision, at first thinking that they could make a breakthrough with your lack of words. Sent back to foster care home, then repeat. Next family had an entitled little brat that you could possibly never get along with. A punch was all it took to send you right back to the foster care. 

Thing was, you couldn't give a single care about any of it. All you could care about was killing the next demon.

A woman came out from the office "Mr (L/n), your new foster family has come to take you."

'Family huh...' You continue to blankly stare at the floor. The memory of that day came back to you. The only family that you ever cared for.


The memory of you entering your home after just finishing your day of school, expecting to see your mom.

"Mom, I'm home!" You call.

You expected an answer back like usually, but shrugged your shoulder and headed on inside. The main hall light was left on as you listen out to where your mom might be in the house. 

Still silent.

"Anyone home at all?" You call again but the house remained silent.

You decide to head into the kitchen. 

As you enter, you are brought with a horrific sight. Blood splatters where seen on the tiled floor. You at first hoped that it was only tomato sauce that your mom spilled by accident. 

Your heart instantly started to pump faster. "M-mom?" 

The memory jumped to you deciding to make your way upstairs. More blood trails. You only started to assume something worse happened and panicked even more. 

As you make your way to the top of the stairs, the downstairs light suddenly turned itself off. Strangely enough too, the house felt like it was pitch black as if it were night time. You memorise your way easily to your mom's bedroom and open the door. 

"Mom?" You flick on the light.

The sight that you had to behold that day, was a sight that would stay with you. Reminding you of how you lost the most important people in your world. 

"D-dad?!" Realising your fathers body on the ground beside your mom. 

Blood covered their clothing. A long deep cut across your fathers back. Your mother with a similar cut along her front. The sight was... horrific. How could you take this all in? How did this come to be? All this had to process in your mind. You remember laughing with your mom that morning too as she made you breakfast before school. Now she was gone. No choice in the matter.

You start to break out in tears and go in the middle between their two lifeless bodies. You notice the two had their hands held out to each other. As if a final goodbye to one another before their death.

You knell down slowly, tears now streaming down your face.

"No..." You held both their hands together. "How... why..."

Your tears only landing on both their hands as you leaned your forehead against them. You then cried out in pain.

Then... silence. You sit within the dark room, letting your tears run until there was just no more left. A strange anger filled your mind. Telling yourself, whoever done this. 'Will pay.'

You hear a sudden footstep near you in the room. You look up and to your surprise, it was a hooded figure. They reached into their hood and took a dagger out. You notice stains of red on the blade.

"You..." You glare at the figure. "You did this..."

The person pulls the hood back and reveals their face. A male. Long dark grey hair. You notice this person had pointed ears. Unimportant, answers were needed.

"You should have died a long time ago. No matter. You'll die here along with this filth. I will say, this was surprisingly quick." He smirked evilly.

"Filth..." You lowered your head. The anger you felt just a moment ago came back to you. A stream of black and dark grey energy started releasing from your body.

The murderer quirks his eyebrow, noticing this.

"You come here..." You clench your fists. "take the lives of my mother and father..." A dark red looking stream of energy blended in with the black and grey. You raise your head to look at him. "And you call them filth?"

What the murderer witnessed was enough to make him jump in his boots.

"R-red eyes." The person mumbled to himself in fear.

This was a level of anger you've never felt before in your entire life. A killer intent. You wanted death upon this person.

You started tensing up, feeling a piercing pain at your forearms, but your anger was making it bearable. Two curved blades started making their way out from your flesh. Your blood dripped to the ground.

You continued glaring at this person as he watched in horror.

All ended with a blood curdling scream.


"Mr (L/n)? Mr (L/n)?" The woman repeated herself, trying to get your attention.

You slowly come out of thought and raise your head. "You trying to make more noise than those kids, or?"

The woman shakes her head. "Mr (L/n), don't be rude. This man seems nice, and I don't want you letting yourself down as soon as you meet him."

"Alright, alright. Hold your horses wamen." You lightly chuckle while coming to a stand.

The woman shakes her head and leads you down the hallway.

'I still remember that piercing pain. When those fangs of Death came ripping out from my arms. It was the only other feeling I had besides that rage.'


First Chapter down. It's a short one for sure but we both agreed that it will suit. Chapter 2 will be much longer than this. 

We're excited to get things going. Meeting Mio and the rest. So much to work with, and a list of things we want to hit on.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed. More to come from Outlaw_Hunter and myself with this. Much love.

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