Chapter 6 - Dilemma

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The rest of the week went by very quickly for you. Though, your bath time shenanigan with Mio caused you to space out a few times. Even to the point where Sayuri questioned you.

It was now the weekend and you were currently sleeping, that was until you heard a knock on your door. You groaned and turned over.

"Who is it?" You asked out loud, your voice was muffled by the pillow.

"Hey Y/n, just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the mall with Yuki, she wanted to go shopping." Bakara opened the door to your room.

"Cool, you could've texted that" you replied to him. "If there's any danger, just text me."

"Thanks bro" he went to close the door, but you stopped him.

"I'm serious." You narrowed your eyes at him.

"I know you are. I will let you know if anything is suspicious."

"Anddddddddd" you stopped him from leaving once more. You then gave a playful smirk to him. "Make sure you use protection later too"

This made Basara blush madly and slam the door.

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT Y/N!" You heard him yell to you while leaving the house.

"Not yet" you yawned. "Time for more sleep" you laid back down and put one of your legs out of the cover, you were hot now.

After a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep, you heard another knock on your door. You sensed it was Mio.

"Yeah Red?" You asked.

She slowly opened up the door and looked at you. When you both made eye contact, her face grew a small shade of red. However, she looked at your bare leg and saw you were only in your underwear while you slept. She slammed the door and yelled at you.

"Put some clothes on or I'll kill you a hundred times!"

You sighed and put your leg back under the covers. "I'm covered up now, you can come in"

Mio slowly opened the door, her face was covered in embarrassment.

"Geez, walking around here like a caveman?"

"I was sleeping. I don't like sleeping in clothes, I get too hot. Besides, weren't you the one who walked in on me showering the other evening?" You retorted, this stunned Mio.

"That's not the point." She crossed her arms and looked to the side. You then looked at Mio this time. She was wearing a light green top with a white elastic band that held it on her shoulders, a blue skirt. You had to sit up to see that she was wearing black long shin socks and brown boots. Her hair was in her normal look.

"Where are you going?" You quirked an eyebrow. This made her look at you again.

"I was coming to tell you Maria and I were heading out. We wanted to go check out some things at the mall." She replied.

"Hmmm, you are not going to spy on Basara and Yuki?" You questioned the girl.

"No? Why would I interrupt their date?" She replied truthfully. You sensed her soul to see if she lied.

"I mean, I'm the only one who gives him a hard time around here. Just thought you wanted to put your two cents in or something" you laid back down.

"You're the big brother, no need for me to take your job." Mio slightly laughed. "But, you good with us going?"

You pulled the covers over you once more, "yeah, but call me if you feel any danger near. I'm serious" you got comfortable.

"Right big brother" she walked out of your room.

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