Chapter 3 - Reunions and a fiasco

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A/N: This is Outlaw_Hunter, I'm sorry for the very late update. Been working nonstop and such. Anyways, I appreciate you all being here to go through this journey with us, so sit back, get a drink and a snack and enjoy some lovely Mio. Here we go!


It was only a few hours after Mio had told you goodnight, you couldn't fall asleep though. Tossing and turning, sleep just wasn't being your best friend right now. So with that being the problem, you sat up and grabbed some earphones and played some music through your phone.

A few songs went by, some made you remember the days you had with your parents, the best days of your life, and then there was some that made you think of what you had now.

This was all stopped when you heard a loud thud. The sound came from the bathroom nearest to your room. You used your power to sense that it was Mio and you quickly got up and went to her.

The door was shut, but you knocked a couple of times. Mio answered very hesitantly.

"Y-y/n, I cant get up"

"Alright Mio, I'm coming in." You say as you took a few deep breaths to prepare to see a fully naked Mio, but when you opened up the door, she was covered in a towel.

"You alright?" You try not to stare, but there was a small blush starting to grow on your face.

"I-I don't know, I just was relaxing in the bath and I got out, then I just simply collapsed." she replied embarrassed.

"Sheesh woman, it's almost midnight and you're in here having a spa day." You sighed after hearing her answer. You walked over to her to help her get back on her feet, but that's when you both heard a whistle at the door.

"Well well, what do we have here? I heard a thud, but it seems Y/n beat me here." A familiar succubus smiled leaning on the door frame.

"Maria, why don't you stop being lazy and help me with Mio" You insulted her.

"I would, but it seems that you and Mio are bonding quite well. Oh, and Big Brother! I have a suggestion for you two!" She clasped her hands together.

"And what is that exactly?" Mio asked worryingly.

You only raised an eyebrow looking at her.

"To help with your bonding, you could do a master/servant pact!"

"A what now?" You gestured at cleaning your ears to properly hear Maria again.

"A master/servant pact, it will help Mio's magic and you can sense each other's whereabouts. You would be Mio's servant!" She gleamed with joy replying.

You slowly nodded your head to the proposal, hearing her out.

"Yeah, I can already sense Mio through her soul, and I'm no servant to anyone. So, that'll be a no from me" You wave her off. However, Maria put her foot down.

"Y/n! You know Mio's situation as the next Demon Lord! She's in need of a lot magical training and I can't do it all myself! Please Big Brother! With you being the Grim Reaper, it'll for sure help Mio out!" Maria pleaded.

Mio looked at you and you could've sworn she had eyes pleading for help for a slight second.

"Are you okay with this?" You ask Mio. She took a slight second, but she nodded her head.

"I-I guess, if it will help us both out" She mumbled pulling her towel up a bit.

You took a deep breath, "Fine, I guess I am just some charity work or something" A shrug of your shoulders and you walked out.

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